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Your Email Addresses are safe on BroncosForums! - We give you the ability to hide yur email address from every other person on, with the exception of's Administration. Further, we will not reveal your email address to anyone, for any reasons except the two following caveats: #1, by specific authorized request from the person affected. #2, as ordered to do so, under subpoena by a court of law, and with valid reason to do so. Beyond that, BroncosForums will not identify you (also sometimes called "outting you"), nor will we sell your email address or allow it to be transmitted to a third party.
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"Outting" someone (such as a player, a coach, etc) - We respectfully request that if you have the opportunity to publicly identify a player, coach or staff member of the Denver Broncos on our forums that you do not do so. You are welcome to contact that person, using existing resources on BroncosForums, however, they are under no obligation to identify themselves nor to respond to you. If they specifically state that they do not wish to be identified, respect that, please. Please note that Moderators and Administrators may ask for identifying information if someone chooses to out themselves, for the sake of protecting said person's identity a bit more.
In the same regard, please respect the privacy of other posters and do not "out" them or post their real identity, unless they first do so themselves. Please respect every member's privacy.
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It is important to note that we will not publicly reveal your information, unless it becomes necessary for us to do so. Final discretion resides within's Administrative team.
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