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Thread: Banned/Suspended Members and disabled accounts

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Default Banned/Suspended Members and disabled accounts

    The following members have been banned or suspended, or have had their accounts disabled for other reasons.

    *Ban lifted early (see footnote at bottom correspondending to lifted ban)

    User(30)                       Start(10)  Length(10) Reason
    Slim.   10/23/2022.        24 hour emergency ban.      Personal attacks,  ignoring mood directive 
    JeudyHamler                       10/17/2022   Permanent         Personal attacks, trolling, constant disruptions, personal attack on mod after giving direction (multiple posts)
    Jaded                                 4/10/22.  6 months.   Repeated P&R comments outside of P&R and bans for same 
    Strafen                                2/9/22      2 weeks      Personal attacks, use of PM's to send attacks
    Tbolt                                   1/8/22.     30 days.      Emergency 1 day ban
    Fangios Meatballs               1/2/22.     1 week.    P&R ban for personal attacks
    ShaneFalco                        12/12/21   Indefinite   Repeated personal attacks, lashing out at people who he feels reported him, ignoring mod directive, overall childish behavior
    Atwater27                       8/13/21   Indefinite        Personal attacks, P&R in main forums, Attacks through MHS, Inappropriate user title, Politically related signature, etc. 
    Atwater                             2/17/21            Permanent    P&R Only- Personal Attacks 
    TomJonesRocks                  1/28/21           1 week          P&R Only-Continual baiting and getting personal
    Tned                                 1/28/21           1 week          P&R Only-Continual baiting and getting personal
    *NightTrainLayne               REVERSED
    Atwater                               1/10/2021     1 week    P&R  Personal attack
     ShaneFalco                       9/16/20    Indefinite  User request, inability to follow rules
    BroncoWave                      9/16/20   1 week      Politics outside P&R
    Jaded                               9/16/20   1 week      Politics outside P&R
    Poet                                 9/16/20   3 days       Politics outside P&R
    ShaneFalco.          8/4/20.   1 week.   P&R in normal areas 
    Infamous.              9/7/19.   Perm.      Multiple accounts 
    Beef                    8/29/19    3 Days     Continued bullying after warnings
    KissTheRings.       8/24/19.     Perm.           Multiple accounts 
    King87.                    7/27/19.   1 week.         Personal attacks
    Rex.                          7/18/19.  1 month.   Bullying/Harrassment
    Joe Flacco.                    2/17/19.  Perm.     Multiple accounts 
    BroncoJoe.                    1/21/19.  3 days.   Personal attacks/trolling members
    Jaded.                          1/9/19.       2 months.    Repeated violations related to trolling/spamming football forums with p&r/racial/discriminatory messaging
    BroncoKnight30.                     11/30/18  1 month.  Multiple violations
    ChubbNYiadom                       8/28/18   Perm.       Multiple account, previous permanent ban
    Hotcarljr                         8/28/18   Perm.       Multiple account, previous permanent ban
    ShaneFalco                     3/13/18   2 weeks     Personal attacks, ignoring mod directive, continual rule breaks
    Weazel                         2/12/18    7 days     Personal Attacks/Ignoring Moderator Directives    
    Yashala17/DT88TheGreat         2/9/16     Perm.      Trolling/Multiple accounts - updated 11/27/2017
    TomJonesRocks                  01/31/18   1 Week     P&R Only.  Personal attacks, ignoring moderator directives.
    ShaneFalco                     10/8/17    1 Week     Attacking another poster for reporting posts
    VonKinger                      9/26/17    Indef.     Posting  of P&R outside of P&R and behavior in P&R including attacks.  
    Broncowave                     9/26/17    2 weeks    P&R Only, Behavior in P&R including attacks. 
    Jaded                          9/26/17    1 Month    Repeated posting of P&R outside P&R.  Multiple offenses and  warnings.
    VonKinger                      3/14/17    3 Days     Posting  Lounge and P&R outside of correct forum, Ignoring mod directive,  openly mocking mod directive.
    BroncoWave                     3/14/17    3 Days     Posting  Lounge and P&R outside of correct forum, Ignoring mod directive,  openly mocking mod directive.
    Jaded                          3/14/17    3 Days     Posting Lounge and P&R outside of correct forum, Ignoring mod  directive, openly mocking mod directive.
    Lynch12                        12/12/16   Perm.      Trolling
    Atwater27                      4/29/2016  Ban Lifted Requested reinstatement - granted
    ShaneFalco                     3/23/16    1 Month    Continuous Spamming 
    OrangeFanatic/TimHippo/TheOldOF         1/9/16.    Perm.      Multiple Accounts
    BroncoKnight30                 12/3/15    7 Days     Ban extended to 7 days for personal attacks.
    King87                         12/2/15    5 Days     Personal attacks via MHS and personal attacks on the board
    WTE                            5/18/2015  Indefinite Repeated personal attacks
    Runamok                        1/28/2015  Indefinite Multiple accounts/Mr. Bojangles was previously banned
    Pudge                          11/17/2014 3 Days     Baiting and personal attacks
    Shane Falco                    11/17/2014 7 Days     Calling out Mods in open forum
    BroncoWave                     11/17/2014 7 Days     Baiting and personal attacks
    Atwater27                      11/17/2014 Permanent  Persistent History of personal attacks
    ShaneFalco.                    9/18/2014  7 days     Posting Inappropriate videos/photos
    WTE                            7/10/2014  7 Days     Multiple warnings about smack talk outside of smack forum.
    RAIDER                         7/2/2014   Permanent  Troll Rule
    OaklandRaider                  6/15/2014  Permanent  Multiple violations of trolling rule
    luckyseven                     4/7/2014   Permanent  Multiple ID's, previously permanent banned member Jrwiz/Lonestar
    Atwater27                      4/3/2014   2 Weeks    Politics forum only     Continued attacks after mod direction to stop  behavior, spilling over to other forums.
    *Motorboat                     4/3/2014   2 Weeks    Politics forum only     Political forum fighting spilling over to other  forums.
    Superchop 7                    3/22/14    Permanent  Various
    lgenf                          2/4/14     Permanent  Trolling                
    Mr. Bojangles/Embeeteeay       10/23/13   Permanent  Multiple  Accounts, Criticizing Moderator Actions on Open Board, Trolling,  Personal Attacks
    NEPatriots/Boba Fett.          11/25/13   Permanent  Personal attacks, troll rule violations
    F*cktheGAYtriots               10/20/13   Perm       Trolling/personal attacks/inappropriate name
    Kcvet.                         9/27/13    Perm       Trolling/personal attacks
    Mr. Bojangles.                 9/24/13    7 days     Troll rule violations
    Chef Zambini                   9/15/13    45 days    Trolling and Spamming Threads
    vLordchronicv                  9/11/13    7 Days     Ignoring repeated admin and Mod directives
    Broncossuck69.                 8/8/13.    Perm       Personal attacks/trolling
    ChefZambini                    6/26/13    30 Days    Personal attacks
    ChefZambini                    6/16/13    7 Days     Personal attacks/harassment
    Beastfromeast92                2/19/13    7 Days     Personal attacks
    HotCarl                        01/08/13   Permanent  Multiple, repeated infractions, spamming board
    Chef Zambini                   12/18/12   7 Days     Attacking Mods, ignoring directives, spamming board
    horsepig                       12/04/12   7 Days     Personal attack of a mod and failure to follow mod directive.
    Hotcarl                        11/18/12   4wks       Personal attack, spamming gameday.
    Hotcarl                        10/9/12    7 Days     Off topic posting, spamming boards.
    Hotcarl                        9/7/12     24hr       Off topic posting, forum disruptions
    TheTruth                       9/7/12     Permanent  Multiple accounts, trolling, etc
    Dacoats                        7/9/12     Permanent  Personal attacks  trolling, baiting
    Goneforever                    2/16/12    Permanent  Dupe account  JWalk/Casino
    Ghost of Griese                12/25/11   Permanent  Duplicate account
    Agent of Orange                12/22/11   Permanent  Repeated insults and personal attacks and disregarding Mod directives
    jimmer                         12/22/11   Permanent  Dupe account
    Tebowtime5502                  12/18/11   Permanent  Trolling, baiting, and Spamming - plus dupe account
    Milehiwildcat                  11/18/11   1 month    Repeated personal attacks and Disregarding Mods directions
    Agent of Orange                11/28/11   1 week     Repeated insults and personal attacks
    Milehiwildcat                  11/18/11   1 week     Personal Attacks and Insults
    Recon220                       11/10/11   Permanent  Trolling and insults
    Jagsbch                        10/28/11   Permanent  Mulitple Infractions, trolling, baiting, articles, etc.
    TeabagTime                     10/28/11   Permanent  Spamming forum with obscenities. Permanent.
    Atwater27                      10/25/11   2 weeks    Continued personal attacks/ongoing member "feud" after mod warning
    BaileyTheBest                  10/25/11   2 weeks    Continued personal attacks/ongoing member "feud" after mod warning
    Bronco Bully                   10/23/11   Permanent  Insulting Members, Insulting Mods, and Ignoring Directives
    Dank Smoker                    9/26/11    Indefinite Refused directive to change screen name from drug related one
    Lonestar                       8/16/11    Permanent  Multiple violations
    BaileyTheBest                  7/26/11    1 Week     Continued personal attacks/ongoing member "feud" after mod warning
    Npba900                        7/15/11    1 Week     Continued plagiarism and personal attacks
    TON80DB                        7/3/11     1 Week     Disregard of Mod and  Admin instructions re: multiple violations of Signature rules
    Beefstew25                     4/20/11    1 Week     Repeated insults/disregarding Mod
    Rcsodak                        4/12/11    1 week     Continuous baiting/disregarding moderator directives
    robert ethan                   1/8/11     1 week     Disregard of mod/admin correspondance/baiting/trolling/personal attacks
    Timtebow15mvp                  12/15/10   Permanent  Duplicate account; J-Walk, Casino Royale, etc.
    Denver27og                     12/12/10   1 week     Repeated attacks; Arguing with Mod and Admin directives
    Jake Klug                      12/6/10    2 weeks    Repeated attacks on other posters and persistent quibbling with Mod directives
    Superchop 7                    12/6/10    1 week     Repeated creation of Duplicate accounts
    Jake Klug                      11/23/10   1 week     Repeated insults and baiting
    Jrwiz                          11/10/10   1 Month    Using MHS to bait/attack people
    Norcalbronco8                  11/04/10   1 week     Repeated insults and attacks directed at other members
    CHIEFSfanMURDERER              10/31/10   Permanent  Trolling/advocating violence against members
    Jagsbch                        10/28/10   1 Month    Disregard of Mod directive after multiple communications
    Atwater27                      10/25/10   2 Weeks    Persistent disregard of Mod instructions
    Bailey the Best                10/07/10   5 Days     Feuding with another member publicly
    Atwater27                      10/07/10   5 Days     Feuding with another member publicly    
    Overtime                       09/13/10   Permanent  History and pattern  of personal attacks and insults, Rules violations and ignoring  moderator directives
    Overtime                       09/13/10   24 hrs     Emergency ban for  disruptive posting, attacks and calling out mods - to be reviewed by mod  staff
    Sconnie Bronco                 09/01/10   Permanent  Duplicate account
    Lewik                          07/27/10   7 days     Duplicate account. 
    Jrwiz                          07/15/10   3 days     Repeated personal attacks, baiting, and ignoring Moderator instructios
    Girler                         06/21/10   3 days     Repeated failure to honor agreement with admin
    Will Deveroux, Jr              06/16/10   Permanent  Duplicate Account.
    The Dagda                      05/22/10   Permanent  Duplicate account.  Merged into Requiem banned accounts
    Sakic_Avs                      05/08/10   Permanent  Duplicate account of MissouriBronc, banned for DUP accounts.
    WiseOne                        04/30/10   Permanent  Dupicate account of Tumba and dey dey friday, banned for dup accounts.
    Dey-Dey-FRIDAY                 04/22/10   Permanent  Duplicate account of Tumba a banned member for DUP accounts
    ^^^                            04/21/10   Permanent  Duplicate account from banned member
    IownthisMB / Biz1              04/02/10   Permanent  Duplicate Account from Banned Member
    Jrwiz                          04/02/10   3 days     Way over the line April fool's joke - Conduct detrimental to the community
    rcsodak                        04/02/10   3 days     Way over the line April fool's joke - Conduct detrimental to the community
    Raconteur                      04/01/10   Permanent  Repeated personal attacks/disregarding Mod Directives.
    Biz1 / The Jackal              03/18/10   Permanent  Personal Attack/disregard of Mod instruction/mutiple accts
    Broncopoo                      03/17/10   Permanent  Duplicate Account from Banned Member
    Bucky Beaver Elway             03/09/10   Permanent  Ignoring mod and admin directive, spamming, trolling, etc.
    Bucky Beaver Elway             03/07/10   24 hrs     Emergency Ban (Spamming/Trolling)    
    Bigbroncofan                   01/30/10   Permanent  Duplicate Account from Banned Member
    Overtime                       01/25/10   30 days    Continual personal attacks, ignoring mod directive, etc.
    DenverValleyBoy                01/12/10   Permanent  Duplicate account
    MissouriBronc                  01/04/10   Permanent  Continual baiting and personal attacks
    bloodwarior                    01/04/10   Permanent  Dupe acct.
    lameduck33                     01/04/10   Permanent  Dupe acct.
    Broken12                       01/03/10   7 days     Failure to follow MOD directives, baiting, personal attacks
    Requiem                        12/18/09   Permanent  Failure to follow  Mods directions and Persistent disruption  by baiting/attacking other  members.
    Broncofan7                     11/24/09   Permanent  Failure to follow mod directions  
    Tumbana                        11/12/09   Permanent  Persistent disruption of the Forum
    Bronco Warrior                 10/22/09   Permanent       
    Bronco Warrior                 10/15/09   7 Days     Failure to follow mod directions
    Missouri Bronc                 10/4/09    30 Days    Repeated personal attacks and insults
    Asian Sushi 7                  09/23/09   Indefinite Failure to follow mod directions
    Overtime                       09/22/09   7 days     Repeated insults and personal attacks against other members
    Nature Boy                     08/31/09   Perm       Multiple Offenses;  attacks, trolling, ignoring Mod direction, calling out Mods
    Tumbana                        08/31/09   10 days    Repeatedly starting Smack threads outside of Smack forum
    Tumbana                        08/23/9    3 days     Smack Talk/Starting Smack threads outside of Smack Forum.
    MissouriBronc                  8/9/09     4 days     Attack on another member - Violating agreement with admin to no longer do so
    Raiderfan76                    8/5/09     Perm       Ignoring moderator directives/Trolling
    *2 Cicero                      8/2/09     TBD        Crossed a line that he was  warned would lead to a permaban if he crossed again -- Ban imposed by  Tned
    Lex                            7/26/09    Perma      Failure to follow forum rules and moderators directions..
    MissouriBronc                  7/19/09    14 Days    Repeated personal attacks, baiting, disregarding mod directives.
    Asian Sushi 7                  7/10/09    30 Days    Spamming board, trolling, disregarding moderator directives.
    Cicero                         7/1/09     31 Days    Personal attack  including use of non-disclosed personal information pertaining to  another member
    Nature Boy                     6/20/09    14 Days    Repeated pattern of  attacks/Flames of other posters, disregard for Mod instructions
    Nature Boy                     6/19/09    24 hour    Completely Disregarding Admin Directive, including failure to respond
    Lex                            6/18/09    30 Days    Repeated Personal attacks/disregarding mod/admin instructions.
    Lex                            6/18/09    24 hour    Mocking admin directives.
    Rocky Mtn Stampede             5/1/09     Perma      Dupe account -- threatened to hack site.
    Rocky Mountain Stampede        5/1/09     Perma      Dupe account -- threatened to hack site.
    Never Trust a Snake            5/1/09     Perma      Attacked mods -- threatened to hack site.
    Tubby                          4/22/09    7 days     Repeated personal attacks/disregarding mod/admin instructions.
    DenverBroncHoes                4/17/09    Indefinite Disregarding Directive from Admin
    Getlynched47                   4/17/09    7 days     Repeated personal attacks/ignoring moderator directives
    Lex                            4/3/09     30 Days    Repeated personal attacks/ignoring moderator directives.
    Mat'hir Uth Gan                4/2/09     Perm       Threats to other posters and their families via post and PM
    crazy_awper                    3/27/09    Perm       Robo Spammer   
    Lex                            3/18/09    14 days    Multiple rule violations,  including  multiple public complaints re prior suspension
    Lex                            3/9/09     7 days     Repeated personal attacks
    SuperCharged!!                 3/2/09     24 hours   Defying mod direction, trolling,  
    Cicero                         2/24/09    14 days    Multiple violations to include spamming and personal attacks
    Magnificent 7                  2/14/09    Perm       Duplicate accounts are not allowed
    MissourBronc                   2/5/09     7 days     Repeated personal Attacks against members
    DenverBroncHoes                2/4/09     30 days    Banned for one month by Admin at DenverBronkHoes request
    Cicero                         1/23/09    7 days     "A recent pattern  of unprovoked personal insults and attacks launched against other  posters, culminating on Jan 23rd"
    Nature Boy                     1/22/09    7 days     duplicate account, Sexybeast3000
    Sexybeast300                   1/22/09    permanent  duplicate account, Nature Boy
    NUB                            1/9/09     7 days     Bait/flame--defying a mod--rules #8 & #9
    Lex                            1/6/09     3 Days     Personal attack, defying moderator's directive
    Alex 22                        12/27/08   permanent  Spaming in Signature 
    Nature Boy                     12/27/08   3 Days     Mocking/blowing off instructions from admin
    broncogirl7                    11/25/08   7 Days     Negative MHS usage. Second ban and/or privelige loss for same infraction. 
    lovethembroncos                11/16/08   Perm       Spamming, trolling, probably JWalk
    DenverBronkHoes                11/13/08   7 Days     Posting prohibited references in defiance of directive
    OurDefenseIsBad                11/8/08    Perm       Banned user
    HolyDiver                      11/3/08    5 Days     Trolling and  disrupting administrative Town Hall threads over 10/30 and 10/31 in  defiance of Mod and Admin directives 
    Woosh                          11/2/08    Perm       Trolling/Disregarding Mod Directives
    BigBlack                       10/26/08   Perm       Multiple User accounts are not allowed.
    TheRecession                   10/26/08   Perm       This person already perm banned under JWalk & CasinoRoyal
    Gwplant                        10/12/08   24 Hours   Defying mod  directives to cease actions/Trolling/Circumventing the language filter
    *1 WTE-ban lifted              10/2/08    10 hours   Upon review, poster was not given proper warnings prior to ban. 
    WTE                            10/2/08    2 Days     Attacks and Sexual Inuendos against other members
    Spider                         8/21/08    14 Days    Inappropriate response to mod
    Nature Boy                     8/20/08    30 Days    Numerous,  including:  Disregarded Admins instructions, mocked mods actions in user  title
    Spider                         8/9/08     P&R 14Days Repeated personal attacks and disregarding moderator instructions
    CasinoRoyal                    8/4/08     Permanent  Duplicate Screen Name (Jwalk - JayCutty6Goes)
    Post Secret                    7/13/08    Permanent  Duplicate screen name 
    Nature Boy                     6/27/08    7 days     Failure to comply with moderator directives
    ClevelandRocks                 6/11/08    14 days    Failure to comply  with directive to remove controversial images statements from sig/avvy
    Escobar                        6/11/08    Permanent  Threatened Admin/Failed to comply with admin's instructions
    Nature Boy                     5/28/08    7 days     Disregarding multiple warnings by admin about attacking other members
    Nature Boy                     5/21/08    24 Hours   Disregarding multiple mod instructions/warnings
    donkeystyle                    5/7/08     Permanent  Replying "blow me" to admin warning about dupe accounts
    broncosaurus                   5/7/08     Permanent  Duplicate accounts are not allowed
    donkeystyle                    5/6/08     14 days    Replying F___ you to moderator
    Escobar                        5/2/08     7 days     Multiple COC violations
    DenverBronkHoes                4/22/08    3 days     Multiple violations, the latest circumventing the filter
    RATFACESHANNY                  4/9/08     3 days     Multiple violations and defying moderators directives
    EMB6903                        4/4/08     14 days    Disregarding  moderators instructions -- Quoting moderator instructions in sig 
    Dream                          3/4/08     7 days     Personal Attack
    ripdarrentwilliams27           3/2/08     Permanent  Duplicate accounts are not allowed
    Rip27                          3/1/08     Permanent  Duplicate Accounts Are Not Allowed 
    #1bmarshfan                    3/1/08     7 days     Spamming the message board with "fag" posts...
    YoungMoneyMay                  2/14/08    Permanent  Duplicate Accounts Are Not Allowed
    Lex                            1/27/08    7 days     Moderator attack in signature
    JayCutty6Goes                  1/25/08    Indefinite Account disabled due to threat of legal action.
    Lex                            1/20/08    7 days     Following multiple  warning -- Personal attacks via PM and Posts -- Ignoring mod/admin  directives
    Chad320                        3/3/10     Permanent  Spammer
    babwww22                       3/3/10     Permanent  Spammer
    Lifted Bans
    1 WTE - Ban lfted after 2 days after reexamining circumstances
    2 Cicer - Ban lifted after mod deliberation -- conditions of reinstatement agreed to by poster
    3 Motorboat - Ban lifted on appeal after moderator discussion
    Last edited by GEM; 10-23-2022 at 10:39 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    For our newer members that are not familiar with this thread, it is a suspension/ban log. We believe in being as open as possible, so when a members is suspended or banned, the date, length and reason are logged here.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007



  4. The Following 11 Users High Fived Tned For This Post:

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007



  6. The Following 6 Users High Fived Tned For This Post:

  7. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Ban list updated

  8. The Following 7 Users High Fived Tned For This Post:

  9. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Unfortunately, updated once again.

  10. The Following 6 Users High Fived Tned For This Post:

  11. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Updated again

  12. The Following 3 Users High Fived Tned For This Post:

  13. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Update - Ban Lifted Early

  14. The Following 3 Users High Fived Tned For This Post:

  15. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Baltimore, MD
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    Ray Finkel



  16. The Following 3 Users High Fived Northman For This Post:

  17. #10
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    Clown World



  18. The Following 3 Users High Fived Mike For This Post:

  19. #11
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Baltimore, MD
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    Ray Finkel



  20. The Following 7 Users High Fived Northman For This Post:

  21. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Albany, New York
    Adopted Bronco:
    Charley Johnson


    “What fresh hell is this?”

    "A man who picks a cat up by the tail learns something which he can learn in no other way." - Mark Twain

  22. The Following 4 Users High Fived Dreadnought For This Post:

  23. #13
    Join Date
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    Cheshire, England
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    Champ Bailey



    edit ~ Ban made permanent.
    Last edited by Den21vsBal19; 11-09-2008 at 12:50 PM.
    BFC.........D Will #27.............D Nash #29..............K Mc #11
    You'll Never Walk Alone

    The Whiskeyteers ~ One for all, and all for more

  24. The Following 3 Users High Fived Den21vsBal19 For This Post:

  25. #14
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    This was updated two days ago, but not bumped.

  26. The Following 2 Users High Fived Tned For This Post:

  27. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
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    Josey Jewell



    Though He slay me, I will trust in Him . . . (Job 13:15)

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