As there has been some confusion over what is or isn't acceptable to post on, rule #4 has been modified to further define this. All members must comply with this change, as well as all other posting rules and guidelines.
As with every aspect of, any member may request a Town Hall Discussion to discuss future change to the rules. However, these are the rules in effect at this time and every member is expected to comply with them.
Our moderators do a great job, in what is pretty much a thankless, volunteer position. Please help them out by complying with the rules and guidelines and not forcing them to edit/delete your posts. They would like to enjoy the message board as well, and it is hard to do so when they have to spend all their time playing cop.
The following rule has been changed:
In addition, the following guideline addresses what words and acronyms are or aren't acceptable:4. No use of obscene or indecent language, obscene or indecent photos, or links to obscene language or photos, or anything that would be considered offensive to most people may be posted. Since it is difficult to define what is 'obscene or indecent' or what will offend most people, the 'benchmark' that will be used is Prime time Network TV. If the FCC does not allow it on Prime Time Network TV, it is not allowed on -- {final decisions on what is or is not obscene will be made by the Board of Advisors.}
In addition, it is each posters responsibility to read and comply with the BroncosForums Posting Rules and Guidelines. They are located here:Implemented: New Guidelines On Allowed/Disallowed Words and Acronyms
Remember, these guidelines do not override any existing rules. Meaning, even if a word or acronym is allowed in general, it does not allow you to disregard the rules that prohibit personal attacks or sexually explicit/graphic comments.
Here are the new guidelines.
If a word is censored, meaning if you type a word that the message board automatically replaces with ****, it is NOT allowed to to use characters like !, @, etc. to get around the profanity filter, nor can you add a smiley to the end of a censored word or use any other trick to get around the profanity filter.
It is allowed for a member to type a censored word and let the profanity filter substitute **** for it. This will be seen as the equivalent of beeping or bleeping out bad words on TV/radio.
Acronyms that are not allowed: S.T.F.U., F.U.
This guideline will not list specific words that have been approved or disapproved. If the profanity filter replaces a word with ****, do not use any variation of that word, nor alter it to get it past the filter. If a moderator tells you a word or word variation is not allowed, do not use it.
If you have any questions regarding the rules, you can post them in the "Ask Questions and Request Clarification Regarding the Posting Rules and Guidelines" thread located here: