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Thread: Broncos' Orton not concerned about Cutler's new deal

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    Default Broncos' Orton not concerned about Cutler's new deal

    By Mike Klis
    The Denver Post
    Posted: 10/22/2009 01:00:00 AM MDT
    Updated: 10/22/2009 01:35:31 AM MDT

    Don't get any ideas.

    Just because the Chicago Bears gave Jay Cutler a two-year contract extension worth $30 million doesn't mean the Broncos will initiate in-season discussions on a new deal with quarterback Kyle Orton.

    Yes, Orton has outperformed Cutler, the man he was traded for (along with draft picks) during the offseason. And yes, Orton is in the final year of a contract that is paying him a mere $995,000 this year.

    And sure, Orton would eventually like a long-term deal that would keep him the Broncos' quarterback until the end of his career. But Orton said the only time he thinks about his contract situation is when people ask him about it.

    "Those discussions are for the Broncos or for my agent," Orton said. "I'm not worried about that stuff."

    The Bears had little choice but to invest in Cutler because they had already surrendered their future to acquire him. Besides Orton, the Bears also gave the Broncos two first- round draft picks and a third-rounder.

    Denver coach Josh McDaniels has been preaching that despite the 6-0 start, nothing yet has been accomplished. Giving a player a new contract six games into the season would be like handing a bounty hunter the reward money before his capture.

    McDaniels has also instilled through his handling of the Cutler and Brandon Marshall sagas that no player is bigger than the team. Orton is in the final year of his contract, but so is Elvis Dumervil, who leads the NFL with 10 sacks, as well as starting guards Ben Hamilton and Chris Kuper, tight end Tony Scheffler and Marshall.

    Mike Klis:

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  3. #2
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    orton has his head on straight......refreshing!
    when ( no longer if? )we make the playoffs ,we absolutely need to lock up doom,orton,hamilton,marshall and that order !

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  5. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by T.K.O. (team kyle orton) View Post
    orton has his head on straight......refreshing!
    when ( no longer if? )we make the playoffs ,we absolutely need to lock up doom,orton,hamilton,marshall and that order !

    hamilton is a liability against the bigger DL's he can mosey down the road unless he wants to be a backup OG and maybe center at a reduced discounted price.... we need more beef there..

    we need to keep the rest unless they want the moon and if they do they become RFA and we get draft choices for them..

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jrwiz View Post
    hamilton is a liability against the bigger DL's he can mosey down the road unless he wants to be a backup OG and maybe center at a reduced discounted price.... we need more beef there..

    we need to keep the rest unless they want the moon and if they do they become RFA and we get draft choices for them..
    I think Hamilton and Wiegmann are both effective players, but they get exposed in short yardage because they are both undersized and play right next to one another... I think if either one of them were paired with bigger players they'd be fine, but the combo of the two is a liability.

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  9. #5


    Orton is in the final year of his contract, but so is Elvis Dumervil, who leads the NFL with 10 sacks, as well as starting guards Ben Hamilton and Chris Kuper, tight end Tony Scheffler and Marshall.

    Jeez, Bowlen and the FO has its work cut out for them!
    DEN absolutely HAS to get these guys re-signed!!!!
    ALL OF THEM!!!
    I also have heard rumors of re-working or extending champs contract, but jeez, maybe he could just take one for the team, and let it go so these guys all can get signed.

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    i'd like to think that by the end of the year orton and marshall will have developed a great frienship and chemistry (winning the superbowl together and all) and they will both be willing to stay at a reasonable price .if for no other reason than they realize the great potential both of their careers have in denver !
    and doom is a no brainer he is a perfect example of a "team first" class act who gives 110% every week !no way we let him get away

  12. The Following 3 Users High Fived T.K.O. For This Post:

  13. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Buff View Post
    I think Hamilton and Wiegmann are both effective players, but they get exposed in short yardage because they are both undersized and play right next to one another... I think if either one of them were paired with bigger players they'd be fine, but the combo of the two is a liability.
    I think this is it for Wiegmann. So its BaronVonLichtenshteiner or another new drafted center.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Buff View Post
    I think Hamilton and Wiegmann are both effective players, but they get exposed in short yardage because they are both undersized and play right next to one another... I think if either one of them were paired with bigger players they'd be fine, but the combo of the two is a liability.

    hamilton has played on skates for most of his career, of the OLINE guys that you will find back next to the QB he is numero uno on the list for allowing penetration.. time for him in a back up mode at a huge reduction in pay..

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    Quote Originally Posted by SOCALORADO. View Post
    I think this is it for Wiegmann. So its BaronVonLichtenshteiner or another new drafted center.
    Lichtensteigervannostronberg got cut during camp if I recall correctly. So it won't be him.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jrwiz View Post
    hamilton has played on skates for most of his career, of the OLINE guys that you will find back next to the QB he is numero uno on the list for allowing penetration.. time for him in a back up mode at a huge reduction in pay..
    Completely disagree. There was a time not too long ago when he was consistantly grading out as our second best lineman behind Nails. He's getting on in years and we've upgraded our tackles, so he's not as valuable as he once was... But I wouldn't say he's been a liability for most of his career by any means.

  17. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Buff View Post
    Lichtensteigervannostronberg got cut during camp if I recall correctly. So it won't be him.
    Ugh. So a new center. Sounds good.

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    if they are working on extending champ's deal it likely that he IS taking one for the team.....he might be due a huge chunk O' change and is willing to stretch it out so we can sign younger guys like doom etc...
    champ knows the rings are coming in the next 3 years....he wants to be here when they do!

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  20. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buff View Post
    Completely disagree. There was a time not too long ago when he was consistantly grading out as our second best lineman behind Nails. He's getting on in years and we've upgraded our tackles, so he's not as valuable as he once was... But I wouldn't say he's been a liability for most of his career by any means.
    well he is the one that winds up next to the QB more than anyone else.. just because we have not have a stellar OLINE until Clady came along in pass protection he IMO is not all that..

    time for him to mosey along..

  21. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Jrwiz View Post
    well he is the one that winds up next to the QB more than anyone else.. just because we have not have a stellar OLINE until Clady came along in pass protection he IMO is not all that..

    time for him to mosey along..
    .....And get this guy!

    Kristofer O'Dowd*, USC
    Height: 6-5. Weight: 298.
    Projected 40 Time: 5.07.
    Projected Round (2010): 1st.
    2/11/09: No one should blame Kris O'Dowd if he comes out early; he'd be the top center prospect in the 2010 NFL Draft. He was an All-Pac 10 first-teamer as a sophomore.

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    i heard the "experts " saying how aaron rodgers was playing at an elite level this year....he is on pace to throw 26 td's and 4600 yds etc....
    i just did the math and thought it worth mentioning that our own Kyle Orton is on pace to throw 24 td's and 3900+ yds with 2-3 int's
    currently orton ranks 7th in the league ,throwing for more yards than notables like
    brees,warner,eli manning,palmer,rodgers,farve and even wonderboy matt ryan.
    not bad for a "noodle arm" 2nd tier qb who cant throw the ball more than 15 yards with the wind at his back
    i,m not trying to start any debates just pointing out that orton is ALOT better than he was given credit for, or the chance to prove, in chicago.
    and i think it will be important for us all to remember (through the dizzying glow of starting 6-0 ) that even if he faulters later in the season that we need to give him at least another year to prove what he can do.
    none of us (even myself ) thought we would be this good this fast.
    so we cant get all crazy if we have a let down.we as fans cant start thinking superbowl or its a wasted season.
    i'm not saying i anticipate a collapse,in fact i think we will continue to improve,but there are alot of very good teams that will be in the way and this "project" is still very young.....just learning to walk before it runs !

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