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Thread: Town Hall Discussion: Feedback wanted on rules, moderation, banning procedures, etc.

  1. #16
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    Profanity isn't necessary, but sometimes you accidentally slip. I know I have. I've been known to have a few meltdowns at times.

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by claymore View Post
    I dont see a need for profanity, but have no problem with ****. **** is just as descriptive as the real curse word.

    I also do not want a bunch of nude pics. I love the stuff, but it is easy to access outside of here.

    But, I have never met a 12 year old kid on any of the forums................. Mostly married men that cant go to bars.........
    I have never met a 12 year old on here either, But there are some 14 years old. 12, 14 whats the difference? I don't think you can legally have profanity on a public forum with out it being for adults only.

    Asked at what point would it be in the best interest of the team to trade Cutler, McDaniels answered: "Never." Nice to see your a man of your word Josh

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by fcspikeit View Post
    I have never met a 12 year old on here either, But there are some 14 years old. 12, 14 whats the difference? I don't think you can legally have profanity on a public forum with out it being for adults only.
    I think in terms of profanity, it probably depends on how it is defined. For instance, the FCC says that words like Ass, *****, **** and stuff is ok for day time and prime time TV, which is when the have the strictest rules to protect kids. So, sitcoms like Two and a Half men use words like Ass and such all the time, in the 7 and 8 (central time) o'clock slots. Movies like Shrek, make jokes of curses, like with "donkey is an ass".

    The legal problem comes when it becomes pornagraphic or obscene in nature. When the curses are describing sexual acts. Not just a go **** yourself, but "on a cold night, in front of the fireplace....." you get the picture, I won't describe that further.

    So, I just bring this up to explain that the way we need to define what is or isn't profanity, or what is or isn't acceptable profanity, isn't a legal issue, but more of a practical/moral one. It should come down to what we believe as a community is ok, considering we know we have youngsters that come here. What will have their parents forbid them from coming to the board if they looked over their shoulder and read ____ on the screen.

    I am not going to chip in with my personal opinion on this at this point, I would rather continue to watch the discussion, but I did want to touch on the legal issue.

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by tnedator View Post
    I think in terms of profanity, it probably depends on how it is defined. For instance, the FCC says that words like Ass, *****, **** and stuff is ok for day time and prime time TV, which is when the have the strictest rules to protect kids. So, sitcoms like Two and a Half men use words like Ass and such all the time, in the 7 and 8 (central time) o'clock slots. Movies like Shrek, make jokes of curses, like with "donkey is an ass".

    The legal problem comes when it becomes pornagraphic or obscene in nature. When the curses are describing sexual acts. Not just a go **** yourself, but "on a cold night, in front of the fireplace....." you get the picture, I won't describe that further.

    So, I just bring this up to explain that the way we need to define what is or isn't profanity, or what is or isn't acceptable profanity, isn't a legal issue, but more of a practical/moral one. It should come down to what we believe as a community is ok, considering we know we have youngsters that come here. What will have their parents forbid them from coming to the board if they looked over their shoulder and read ____ on the screen.

    I am not going to chip in with my personal opinion on this at this point, I would rather continue to watch the discussion, but I did want to touch on the legal issue.

    From the sounds of it some are talking about using worse words then ass. That is what I was talking about when I brought up the legal issue.

    Asked at what point would it be in the best interest of the team to trade Cutler, McDaniels answered: "Never." Nice to see your a man of your word Josh

  5. #20
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    Default're just a giant poop face

  6. #21
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    Maybe we should follow George Carlin's seven words that you can't say on tv?? I actually think that list has grown??!!

    There is a difference between cursing and crudeness. Being crude isn't necessary in word or pictures in my book. They have xx rated sites for that. But I also don't think that this needs to be a G rated site either.

    You do not want to add anything to a teens vocabulary... but I have been an aide at my daughters school and OMG you are not going to teach them anything they haven't heard already!

    I think the CRUDE part is the real issue. You really don't have to use swear words to insult someone... I used to say as a teen: YOU SCUM SUCKING PIG" and my mother would "AHHHHHHH " but it did not have one bad word in it. Or I would say, "Why don't you go sit on something long hard and sharp and rotate." Not one swear word... but pretty bad if directed at someone! (I am german/irish and can have a pretty bad temper)

    Never gunna please everyone... no way, no how. I just vote that it isn't so bad to see or hear if it isn't crude!

  7. #22
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    Sexually Explicit Images:

    * What images shouldn’t be allowed?
    * Nudity is a given, because this is not an adult-only site, but beyond that, where is the line drawn?
    * Are pics or women in bra and panties (Victoria Secret models) or bikinis ok? What about men in speedos?
    * A normal bikini bottom vs. a thong?

    There are many different opinions about what is or isn’t acceptable, what is or isn’t sexually explicit. Where do you stand?
    I don't have any problem with dudes in speedos....I think you have to take bikinis and underwear on a case per case basis....

  8. #23
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    I'll post more later when I have more time to think.. but..

    I think we should at least be able to make a few snipes at different posters.
    Theres too many sensitive people on here.
    Actually theres probably only a few.
    But I think we should have a "fight" forum.
    I'm on another site where you can flame members and do whatever

    Make it like 18 and over or something are able to access that forum.

    But I'll post more later.
    I just think this forum should be able to go to at least PG Rated.

    RIP Sneakers the Cat

  9. #24
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    Profanity - no need for it

    Nudity - no need for it

    Talking smack - a BIG need for it, even outside of duck before entering. You can talk smack without degrading another poster. In any thread.

    Banning - needs to be a gradual process that gets a harsher and harsher punishment over time or offense. BUT, it needs to be clear to the poster of the punishable offense. They should not be kept out in the dark.

    IP system - no need for it.

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Watchthemiddle View Post
    Profanity - no need for it

    Nudity - no need for it

    Talking smack - a BIG need for it, even outside of duck before entering. You can talk smack without degrading another poster. In any thread.
    Funny, I am the exact opposite:

    Profanity - Only when I talk

    Nudity - Can't live without it

    Talking smack - The world would be a better place without it.

    Just kidding sort of

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by tnedator View Post
    Funny, I am the exact opposite:

    Profanity - Only when I talk

    Nudity - Can't live without it

    Talking smack - The world would be a better place without it.

    Just kidding sort of

  12. #27
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    Alright here we go:

    As for language it dont really matter to me. If someone wants to cuss every other word I wont care. If someone is against saying words like "damn" then I dont care much either. But I think stuff like WTF and LMFAO shouldn't be too bad. Sometimes its just the way people talk. I use to be the king of LMAO's and stuff back in the day but I toned it down a notch. <<-- now I just use that smiley in place of it. I say WTF from time to time as well but when I say it I'm not even thinking of it being a vulgar word. Its just figure of speach or whatever. Maybe even "****" can be acceptable. lol .. but the langauge thing doesn't matter to much to me. I'm usually good with my language so I dont have a problem with it. I hold my true emotions inside me.

    As for the sexually explecit stuff.. that dont matter as much either. Theres some members who I would like to see what they looked like without clothes on so I think we shoudl allow nudity. J/k btw. But Yea I dont want this to be a porn site so no nude pics and stuff. I came here to talk about football and to comunicate with other people.. Not to get some via the internet or other stuff like that. I think as long as theres no skin showing (such as male or female body parts) then it should be fine. But I dont think this site has a problem with nude pics so there should be no worries.

    Now.... as for the smack talking. Its way to sensitive IMO. I cant even make a little snide remark or even a mini joke without having every single post edited. If I wanted my posts edited I would do so myself. I think we should be able to get a little personal. Not name calling every sentence but damn. It seems like no matter what you say its the wrong thing. The Smack forum is rated G. We should be able to smack more. When I wanna throw down I wanna throw down and show errbody whats up. So we should be able to say more stuff in smack talk. If people cant handle a little smack then they should grow a pair. But thats just me.
    I also think that if some people trash talk a little bit in any other forum it should be fine. You shouldn't get in trouble for talkin a lil trash in other forums. Its okay to get a little off topic. It happens all the time. Theres plenty of threads that get off topic. Maybe I should just report every post. And the stupidest of all stupidest things is getting off topic in the smack forum. Thats rediculous. Thats like getting off topic in the ABF forum. Who really cares?

    I dont think theres many people here under 13 so thats why it should be a forum rated PG13. Meaning a lot of stuff can go but it can be crazy like. And the only kid I know here who is 12(Darrent/Hero) .. has a mouth from the south and talks like hes 17 so the age thing really doesn't matter.
    Its nice to have rules but sometimes I feel this place gets overboard and we got some people here who think thier Hitler.

    And as for Banning people... I guess if you were to ban someone you should start with me since I cant go 1 post without having it edited. I bet this post will even get edited for some silly reason. But I agree that we should ban people that repeatedly break the rules but dont get banhappy. Maybe start off with short bans and then give longer bans each time people act up. But I think this site will be fine with the bans and will make good decisions on that anyways.

    Another thing is: since it seems like the Browns get brought up in a thread just about every day why not have a Browns Sub-forum? They get talked about almost as much as the Pats it seems. I have no idea why either.

    And as for the IP system... It dont matter to me. I dont pay much attention to that garbage anyways. Its just an IP. I dont see why people get worked up over it. So I'm out of it on that one.

    But overrall I'm pretty flexible and will do with whatever happens but I think this forum should be a little less strict and let little things slide. Some people really need to realize that its just a forum and no harm can be done.

    If someone calls me a flaming reject and wished death upon me I would really care less. I wouldn't report it or whine or cry or any of that nonsense.

    But thats it for now.
    I'm sure more stuff will pop into my head from time to time so I will post as it comes along.
    Hopefully someone reads this post at least.

    RIP Sneakers the Cat

  13. #28


    Whats with the 3D posting......

  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by nj10 View Post
    Pictures: no "cash & prizes" shown then it's ok. You just can't see their "situation" so to say.
    I see we have another Dane Cook fan on the boards. Well played sir, well played.
    "Milk is for babies. When you grow up, you have to drink beer" -Arnold

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by SeeingRed View Post
    I see we have another Dane Cook fan on the boards. Well played sir, well played.
    Red you missed a heck of a day. A bunch of noobs showed up, it was terrible..............

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