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Thread: Mlb 2023

  1. #16
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    Sad news. Tim Wakefield passed away.

    R I.P. to possibly the last impactful knuckleballer the MLB will ever see. Way too young.
    Let's Rid3!!!!

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by chazoe60 View Post
    Sad news. Tim Wakefield passed away.

    R I.P. to possibly the last impactful knuckleballer the MLB will ever see. Way too young.
    One of my favorite pitchers ever. Dude learned the knuckleball just as a last ditch effort to stay in the minor league/major league mix. Obviously he made a great decision.

  3. The Following User High Fived King87 For This Post:

  4. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by King87 View Post
    One of my favorite pitchers ever. Dude learned the knuckleball just as a last ditch effort to stay in the minor league/major league mix. Obviously he made a great decision.
    I think every team should be required to have one knuckleballer. That shit is so fun to watch when a guy actually throws a good one. My boy threw a decent knuckleball. A couple of his teammates were really good at it. Really hard to get outs with it in HS though because most hitters lock up because of the oddity of it, which forces a young pitcher to try and control it for strikes, not easy. It's a great mind**** put h in HS though, just gives them something else to think about.

    It's funny how bad all the kids wanted to learn to throw it. They would practice for hours and anytime we did live play for fun at practice, we knew we were gonna see a plethora of mostly awful knuckleballs.

    Helping coach my son's LL team was seriously some of the funnest times in my life.
    Let's Rid3!!!!

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  6. #19
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    I struck out three in a row--pickup game--before getting shelled next inning for like 18 runs (seriously) when I was a kid. Back in the days the ole diamond in the park got actual use...back when there was hope.

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  8. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by King87 View Post
    I struck out three in a row--pickup game--before getting shelled next inning for like 18 runs (seriously) when I was a kid. Back in the days the ole diamond in the park got actual use...back when there was hope.
    I played one year of summer league here in Rifle when I was a kid. I should have played more baseball growing up, but I was a football all year kid. I just had very little interest in any other sport until HS then I started wrestling too.

    I had one good hit, a double to deep right center, pretty sure my eyes were closed when I got the hit.
    I made a really good catch on accident. Just stick my glove out and caught it, total luck, but it was the third out and never broke stride and just ran right to the dugout like a BOSS!

    My most impactful play though was getting hit in the ass. 2 outs we were down by on with runners on, can't really remember what bases. I was so bad that basically everyone figured the game was over, I bet the parents were folding up their chairs and packing up Coach told me not to swing until I had 2 strikes, I got hit in the ass on the second pitch. Dugout went wild, leadoff batter up and we win. MVAC(Most Valuable Ass Cheek)
    Let's Rid3!!!!

  9. The Following User High Fived chazoe60 For This Post:

  10. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by chazoe60 View Post
    I played one year of summer league here in Rifle when I was a kid. I should have played more baseball growing up, but I was a football all year kid. I just had very little interest in any other sport until HS then I started wrestling too.

    I had one good hit, a double to deep right center, pretty sure my eyes were closed when I got the hit.
    I made a really good catch on accident. Just stick my glove out and caught it, total luck, but it was the third out and never broke stride and just ran right to the dugout like a BOSS!

    My most impactful play though was getting hit in the ass. 2 outs we were down by on with runners on, can't really remember what bases. I was so bad that basically everyone figured the game was over, I bet the parents were folding up their chairs and packing up Coach told me not to swing until I had 2 strikes, I got hit in the ass on the second pitch. Dugout went wild, leadoff batter up and we win. MVAC(Most Valuable Ass Cheek)
    That was smart baseball.

  11. #22
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  12. #23
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    Go Twins!

  13. The Following User High Fived Buff For This Post:

  14. #24
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  15. #25
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    No starting pitching.

    No hope.

  16. #26
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    Default Hall of Fame Class of 24

    Congratulations Todd -

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