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Thread: Is Russ a fraud?

  1. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Jeudy10Hamler1 View Post
    I mean the guy has only had one losing season his entire career soooooo keep proving that you are just another bronco fan that doesn’t have a clue bruh.
    Mr Unliiiiiimited. He's brought this on himself.

  2. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Rosebus View Post
    Mr Unliiiiiimited. He's brought this on himself.
    Yup and when the team is gone don’t cry! You brought it upon yourself lol. Can’t wait for this to happen

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeudy10Hamler1 View Post
    Yup and when the team is gone don’t cry! You brought it upon yourself lol. Can’t wait for this to happen
    Team wont be going anywhere. Lol

  4. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Northman View Post
    Team wont be going anywhere. Lol
    Hahahahaha I’m glad you think so bruh, where there is smoke there is fire and the broncos have absolutely even mentioned as a team for relocation

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeudy10Hamler1 View Post
    Hahahahaha I’m glad you think so bruh, where there is smoke there is fire and the broncos have absolutely even mentioned as a team for relocation

    Based on nothing and that happened many years ago. Want make a permaban bet that Denver wont be relocating or are you going to chicken shit out like you always do? Put your membership here on the line and back it up or sit down and ****.

  6. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Jeudy10Hamler1 View Post
    Hahahahaha I’m glad you think so bruh, where there is smoke there is fire and the broncos have absolutely even mentioned as a team for relocation
    Like the smoke about building a new stadium in Denver?

    Although I could see them moving, Lewis Hamilton is part of the deal, maybe this is the team to be moved over seas.

    Either way, it would not be because the fans are upset with the product, it would be money, purley.

    I mean just how simple do you have to be, to believe a team would move, and alienate their supporters, because of booing.
    Last edited by Krugan; 10-07-2022 at 11:50 AM.

  7. #22
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  8. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Northman View Post
    Based on nothing and that happened many years ago. Want make a permaban bet that Denver wont be relocating or are you going to chicken shit out like you always do? Put your membership here on the line and back it up or sit down and ****.
    What kind of sense does this make? Being that the relocation won’t happen for another 3-4 year’s?

  9. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Krugan View Post
    Like the smoke about building a new stadium in Denver?

    Although I could see them moving, Lewis Hamilton is part of the deal, maybe this is the team to be moved over seas.

    Either way, it would not be because the fans are upset with the product, it would be money, purley.

    I mean just how simple do you have to be, to believe a team would move, and alienate their supporters, because of booing.
    It’s about money and putting these guys in a community that appreciates what they do! A community that supports there team instead of a fan base that’s more focused on getting on a network of social media platform to go viral or become a meme not even knowing they are only embarrassing themselves like a dumb Ass.

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeudy10Hamler1 View Post
    One losing season…… and instead of embracing the guy you morons bash the guy right along with the outsiders who want to see the team down!

    Mr Walton please punch these people right in the gut and LEAVE DENVER
    If NFL veterans, HoFers, Pro Bowlers, and SB Champs weren’t echoing the opinions here, or vice versa, then I would agree. I haven’t listened to one individual on 104.3 or other outlets that isn’t bashing Wilson.

  11. #26


    Alabama broncos?

    Arkansas Broncos?


    I think it would be awesome

  12. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by Nomad View Post
    If NFL veterans, HoFers, Pro Bowlers, and SB Champs weren’t echoing the opinions here, or vice versa, then I would agree. I haven’t listened to one individual on 104.3 or other outlets that isn’t bashing Wilson.
    That’s horse shit! Also the media has always bashed the broncos! You’d think the fans would be smart enough to see this and counter it with support but instead this dumb ass group of people jump in and add onto the bashing of the team. It’s a joke! And it’s exactly why the broncos are ranked of the worst fan bases IN ALL SPORTS NOT JUST THE NFL BUT ALL SPORTS!

    I just posted a link dating back to 2014 listing the broncos as one of the worst fan bases ever in sports! The manning video proves it! The link I posted with a totally neutral person not a rival making the list of the worst fan bases and yup broncos was number 9 on the list lmao

  13. #28


    I generally don't believe what narratives come out about players, especially in current media.

    I believe what I see and how coaches use players.

    - When the game was on the line, Seattle almost always put the game on Wilson and he consistently delivered across different years, offenses, defenses, opponents.

    My question is this:

    If Seattle can win 10+ games a year for a decade with Wilson with a respectable offense, then why isn't it working in Denver?

    When Wilson was out injured, their season fell apart.

    Sorry, but that tells me it's more on the team/coaches than Wilson.

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  15. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Helios View Post
    I generally don't believe what narratives come out about players, especially in current media.

    I believe what I see and how coaches use players.

    - When the game was on the line, Seattle almost always put the game on Wilson and he consistently delivered across different years, offenses, defenses, opponents.

    My question is this:

    If Seattle can win 10+ games a year for a decade with Wilson with a respectable offense, then why isn't it working in Denver?

    When Wilson was out injured, their season fell apart.

    Sorry, but that tells me it's more on the team/coaches than Wilson.
    Ask Aaron rodgers why it was slow and average the first season installing this offense….. you make a statement like why isn’t it working in Denver but do you really want the answer? You clearly don’t because if you did your simply READ! Aaron rodgers has already explained this! It takes time and experience in it to grow!

    Wilson playing ten years and making the playoffs every year but one season just adds more proof that once everyone is on the same page and in sync Wilson dominates like everyone else whose great! Anybody with logic knows this shit was going to take time, just like rodgers said, for ****s sake even Hackett told you people! He said from day one it’s not how your playing in September it’s how your playing going into the second half! You just wanna win as many games as you can early on stacking wins until the chemistry becomes 2nd nature!

    How is this hard to comprehend

  16. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Jeudy10Hamler1 View Post
    It’s about money and putting these guys in a community that appreciates what they do! A community that supports there team instead of a fan base that’s more focused on getting on a network of social media platform to go viral or become a meme not even knowing they are only embarrassing themselves like a dumb Ass.
    Like the fact that denver fills its stadium even when they suck, or the Broncos being the 9th most selling jersey in the league.

    That kind of community?

    You are just really not good at this.

  17. The Following 2 Users High Fived Krugan For This Post:

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