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Thread: The future of this forum

  1. #1
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    Default The future of this forum

    Broncos Forum Members,

    Before we go any further with this conversation, this is not an area to point fingers or cast aspersions, talk about "old shit" etc. If you can't contribute to a meaningful, adult conversation then don't bother posting and just accept what P&R will become without your input. If I see any rule violations or finger pointing in this thread it will be deleted and you might even get a CYP or worse.

    Here we are, again, with P&R. It's an utter shit show of childish, moronic behavior FROM ALL SIDES. The moderators are done, we've lost members over the level of disgusting attacks leveled at one another in there. In fact, I almost walked away permanently over it and am still not sure I want to visit this board anymore if I'm being perfectly honest.

    This is about P&R, but this is also about the survival of the board in general. P&R WILL go away and the forum itself might not survive unless changes are made and people starting acting with a modicum of respect towards others.

    It is not OK to say Trump supporters are racist, crazy, deserve this or that, etc.
    It is not OK to say Democrats are deranged, delusional, afflicted with TDS, etc.
    It is not OK to disparage entire groups of people because of their political beliefs.
    It is not OK to disparage individuals because of their political beliefs.

    If what you're about to post does any of the above, even if it's not blatantly an attack on one specific person, if that person falls into the group of people you're talking about then it is. Period.

    It's time to grow up and act like adults.

    Here is our recommendation, if you disagree feel free to make your own recommendation, and if it attacks or belittles any specific person or group expect to have it deleted and expect action taken:

    We ask that everyone immediately follow the rules. If the moderators feel a personal attack or attack on a group of people is made they will remove your P&R privileges for a week on the first offense, further offenses will result in full board bans of no less than one week. If someone attacks you or others hit report, if we agree it will be handled. If you respond in kind you will both be banned. If a group responds in kind after an attack from a member the whole group will be banned. A rule violation is a rule violation regardless of the acts of others.

    There will not be a warning, we're all adults and we all know the rules. Follow them or lose privileges, period.

    If people leave, so be it, we don't need their attacks and constant negative bullshit anyway.

    The hope is that people will modify behavior, learn to speak to each other with respect, treat each other with dignity, and if not respect an opinion respect that person's right to have it.

    We're not children and we're not a group of monkeys slinging shit at each other.

    Once this is in place if problems continue we will close P&R altogether.

    Please, let us know your thoughts. If your thoughts are "as long as everyone is treated the same" you can keep that to yourself and either agree or disagree with what you see above. I am not here to debate who got what, said what, thinks what, etc. If you turn this thread into that your posts will be deleted.

    I look forward to the discussion and to the LAST opportunity to save P&R and quite possibly the forum itself.

    Thank you.
    We agreed on this last night, but Davii has been busy with real life. Davii wrote this up, but it's direct. With the explosions in there so far today, we're going to get this started.

  2. The Following 12 Users High Fived GEM For This Post:

  3. #2
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    Only thought is I can't see a need to ever close P&R, since you will ban any of us that fail to follow the rules for a week, and then presumably escalate it from there. At worst, we should get to the point where most are banned from it.

    Anyway, that's my only comment.

    Thanks for the patience and laying down the law/rules and now it will be up to each of us to decide if we force you to be nannies and punish us, or we comply.

  6. #5
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    This should be interesting to witness going forward. Ive got my popcorn ready.

  7. The Following User High Fived Northman For This Post:

  8. #6
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    Telling someone they should be ashamed of their vote should be an acceptable political discussion. We're discussing political beliefs.

    Telling someone they are dumb or a bad person or that they are a hick are behaviors we should eliminate... It seems some here can't draw a distinction between actual attacks on a person and perceived attacks on their beliefs.

    Further, the moderator staff has long been part of the problem. Most of the quality posters are gone because the moderators flex their muscles in arbitrary and biased ways. That's all I've got for now.

  9. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northman View Post
    This should be interesting to witness going forward. Ive got my popcorn ready.
    I do feel like you thoroughly enjoy the banter.

  10. #8
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    Almost makes me want to opt back in to P&R.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sting
    "You know cos I just lost my parents--both my parents died in the same this day, people come up to me and say 'my dad died and that album really meant a lot to me,' which is very nourishing {pats heart} for a songwriter to hear that your songs have a utility beyond just their own solace, that it actually helps other people."

  11. The Following 3 Users High Fived Hawgdriver For This Post:

  12. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by atwater27 View Post
    I do feel like you thoroughly enjoy the banter.
    Yes and no.

    On some level im amazed at the pettiness of it all but on the other it just shows me people will say anything online that would normally get their teeth knocked out in person. People in P&R often say none of its personal yet if it wasnt there wouldnt be all the mud flinging and flaming of one another.

    Im still surprised that the mods even want to try and mod that particular part of the forum but i like that (at least on "paper") that they are willing to send people packing even if it means they wont return to the forum altogether. At least they are drawing a line on what is acceptable on here and what isnt. Its going to be interesting to see if the main players in P&R can actually abide but the rules.

  13. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northman View Post
    Yes and no.

    On some level im amazed at the pettiness of it all but on the other it just shows me people will say anything online that would normally get their teeth knocked out in person. People in P&R often say none of its personal yet if it wasnt there wouldnt be all the mud flinging and flaming of one another.

    Im still surprised that the mods even want to try and mod that particular part of the forum but i like that (at least on "paper") that they are willing to send people packing even if it means they wont return to the forum altogether. At least they are drawing a line on what is acceptable on here and what isnt. Its going to be interesting to see if the main players in P&R can actually abide but the rules.
    Not gonna say I’m innocent. At least we aren’t as bad as the Mane. And if it ever gets that bad I will opt out.

  14. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buff View Post
    Telling someone they should be ashamed of their vote should be an acceptable political discussion. We're discussing political beliefs.

    Telling someone they are dumb or a bad person or that they are a hick are behaviors we should eliminate... It seems some here can't draw a distinction between actual attacks on a person and perceived attacks on their beliefs.

    Further, the moderator staff has long been part of the problem. Most of the quality posters are gone because the moderators flex their muscles in arbitrary and biased ways. That's all I've got for now.
    Disagree on the first and last points. The middle sentence makes sense.

  15. The Following User High Fived Davii For This Post:

  16. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by atwater27 View Post
    Not gonna say I’m innocent. At least we aren’t as bad as the Mane. And if it ever gets that bad I will opt out.
    Thats the thing though most of the people in P&R seem want that kind of flexibility with their discussions/flaming so im surprised that the mods/Davii continue to try and keep rules applied to it.

  17. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northman View Post
    Thats the thing though most of the people in P&R seem want that kind of flexibility with their discussions/flaming so im surprised that the mods/Davii continue to try and keep rules applied to it.
    They SAY they want it and then they cry foul when others partake in that behavior. They also say they don't want it like the Mane. If they want unmodded P&R the Mane exists, they can go enjoy. We're going to enforce the rules and expect people to act like adults. If they can't then they will lose privileges, period.

  18. The Following 5 Users High Fived Davii For This Post:

  19. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by atwater27 View Post
    Not gonna say I’m innocent. At least we aren’t as bad as the Mane. And if it ever gets that bad I will opt out.
    Yea, I used to go over there at times for the freedom of say anything (back when we were more well behaved), but even I can't take it for very long. Gets old when all it is is F you and "gonna punch you in the throat, you effin dirt bag."

  20. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davii View Post
    They SAY they want it and then they cry foul when others partake in that behavior. They also say they don't want it like the Mane. If they want unmodded P&R the Mane exists, they can go enjoy. We're going to enforce the rules and expect people to act like adults. If they can't then they will lose privileges, period.
    Oh, i dont blame you. Its one reason why i left the Mane to begin with and i have been telling people for the last few years that they should go there if they want the free for all. I just figured they hung around because they liked the drama of it all. Lol

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