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Thread: Here you go MO, it's public now.

  1. #1
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    Default Here you go MO, it's public now.

    Apparently some think the best way to get action to take place is to threaten the moderator staff here with "going public" about how some feel they're mistreated. Great, let's do so. Below is a recently reported post that some feel rises to the level of a personal attack while others do not.

    Personally, I think we need to close P&R or, better yet, just close the damn forum down already.

    The entire moderator staff, including myself, is tired of the childish, petulant bullshit. EVERYONE in P&R acts like 6th grade jackasses when trying to "debate" something. Half the people in there get upset when they see the letters "TDS" but have no issue saying anyone that supports Trump is any number of horrible things or were joyful at the death of an elderly Supreme Court Justice. The other half gets upset when it's intimated they need help for supporting Trump but have no problem calling others deranged, that they hate America, etc.

    It's the same actions from both sides of the fence and you all act like little ******* kids over it. Grow up.

    So, here it is, below is the report, the post it was about, and the threat of "taking it public", well, it's public.

    You all tell us, is this OK? Should we start banning over comments like this? It's going to get even more boring around here when we do. Or should we just say **** it and walk away from this ******* dumpster fire of childish behavior? I'm, personally, 100% over it. I have better things to do with my time than come here and deal with bullshit like this and I'm 100% certain the moderators do as well.

    MOtorboat has reported a post.

    I hope, that if you want me to follow the rules, Tned is finally subjected to the same rules. He wasn’t moderated equally before you decided P&R would go absent of moderation.

    The type of behavior in this reported post doesn’t reach the insult rule, but it is the exact behavior that I was permabanned for. I hope you show some consistency.

    And if I see “TDS” unmoderated at this point, I’ll know this new tact isn’t serious. Calling people deranged, as has been allowed allowed nonstop and unadulterated for the last five years is why we got to the point where we were.

    If you don’t like this criticism, look in the mirror. I’ll make it public next time.
    Post: Election 2020: Trump vs Biden
    Forum: Politics
    Assigned Moderators: GEM, Slick, Davii, turftoad, MileHighCrew

    Original Content:
    Originally Posted by aberdien
    Isn't it a funny coincidence how the only people who supposedly don't have faith in the results of the election are people who desperately want Donald Trump to win?
    Posted by: Tned
    I guess that's what happens when Donald Trump spends 4 years telling his devoted followers that the elections are rigged.
    Really, it's Trump that spent four years contesting the 2016 election.

    I guess I slept through it only being people who wanted Donald Trump to win that didn't have faith in that election.

    Doesn't the constant belittling of those you disagree with and being triggered by everything Trump does wear you out? Honest to God, I would be worn out if I viewed the world the way you do.

  2. #2
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    I think it's fine and mods shouldn't stress themselves out over it.

  3. #3
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    I won't say my actions or any of my other cohorts in P&R has been perfect (far from it) but Mo is 100% correct that tned isn't and never has been moderated the same as everyone else in P&R. When you see the ban log full of most of the regular participants in P&R and not one instance of T on there, that's a pretty inescapable truth.

    I fully agree with Mo that no one will take that edict seriously if T continues saying "TDS" every other post with no punishment while the rest of us get banned whenever we step out of line.

    If the mods aren't willing to enforce T like everyone else then yes, you guys probably should shut that section down.

  4. The Following User High Fived BroncoWave For This Post:

  5. #4
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    Fine by me. It’s deserved criticism.
    *The statements above are my opinions, unless they are links, because then they are links, which wouldn't make them my opinions, and I suppose stats aren't necessarily opinion, but they are certainly presented to support an opinion. Proceed accordingly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buff View Post
    What is this, amateur hour? It's TNF against the Jets and you didn't think you'd need extra booze?

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    Quote Originally Posted by BroncoWave View Post
    I won't say my actions or any of my other cohorts in P&R has been perfect (far from it) but Mo is 100% correct that tned isn't and never has been moderated the same as everyone else in P&R. When you see the ban log full of most of the regular participants in P&R and not one instance of T on there, that's a pretty inescapable truth.

    I fully agree with Mo that no one will take that edict seriously if T continues saying "TDS" every other post with no punishment while the rest of us get banned whenever we step out of line.

    If the mods aren't willing to enforce T like everyone else then yes, you guys probably should shut that section down.
    You remember when he was gone for a few months. Give me your thoughts on what happened there. Should be good.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Davii View Post
    You remember when he was gone for a few months. Give me your thoughts on what happened there. Should be good.
    So he gets to be "banned" without being publicly shamed in the ban log like the rest of us? Cool.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BroncoWave View Post
    So he gets to be "banned" without being publicly shamed in the ban log like the rest of us? Cool.
    I guess that's what paying the bills here gets you.

    Second question - should we get rid of the ban log?

  9. The Following User High Fived Davii For This Post:

  10. #8
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    There have been other posts over the last week or so that I would have warned or banned the posters over if I were a mod, but the one in question doesn't seem that bad to me. Unless a user is personally threatening another user or calling them explicit names or something, who gives a **** IMO.

    I feel like most of the regular posters left and/or are taking a break nowadays anyway so it's not been too bad lately in there. Mountains out of mole hills.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BroncoWave View Post
    So he gets to be "banned" without being publicly shamed in the ban log like the rest of us? Cool.
    Third and fourth question, how was Shazam not banned for what's in your signature and how did I never see that before? Wow, that's sad.

  12. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by BroncoWave View Post
    I won't say my actions or any of my other cohorts in P&R has been perfect (far from it) but Mo is 100% correct that tned isn't and never has been moderated the same as everyone else in P&R. When you see the ban log full of most of the regular participants in P&R and not one instance of T on there, that's a pretty inescapable truth.

    I fully agree with Mo that no one will take that edict seriously if T continues saying "TDS" every other post with no punishment while the rest of us get banned whenever we step out of line.

    If the mods aren't willing to enforce T like everyone else then yes, you guys probably should shut that section down.
    And the flip side is that it's been open season for attacks on me for years and mods let nearly every personal attack on me go, because "if we take action, they will claim favoritism."

    Just look at all the crude or profane attacks from MO and TJR that are allowed to stand. MO constantly launches F bombs at people and attacks them.

    The notion he was perma banned, by mods not me, for a post like he just reported, is laughable.

    TJR made comments about me jerking off to Trump speeches and so much more. Hawg went unhinged in a football thread, and nothing was removed

    It's a two way street. I'm perfectly fine being punished if I break an actual rule, but the same has to apply to others that attack me.

    T lives matter. Equal justice for all!

  13. The Following User High Fived Tned For This Post:

  14. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davii View Post
    I guess that's what paying the bills here gets you.

    Second question - should we get rid of the ban log?
    I don't mind the ban log. I find it quite useful for holding each other accountable for our jackassery. But if T's status exempts him from that then yeah, might as well get rid of it.

  15. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davii View Post
    Third and fourth question, how was Shazam not banned for what's in your signature and how did I never see that before? Wow, that's sad.
    I found it so over the top comical I didn't want to report it and have it gone.

  16. The Following 3 Users High Fived BroncoWave For This Post:

  17. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tned View Post
    And the flip side is that it's been open season for attacks on me for years and mods let nearly every personal attack on me go, because "if we take action, they will claim favoritism."

    Just look at all the crude or profane attacks from MO and TJR that are allowed to stand. MO constantly launches F bombs at people and attacks them.

    The notion he was perma banned, by mods not me, for a post like he just reported, is laughable.

    TJR made comments about me jerking off to Trump speeches and so much more. Hawg went unhinged in a football thread, and nothing was removed

    It's a two way street. I'm perfectly fine being punished if I break an actual rule, but the same has to apply to others that attack me.

    T lives matter. Equal justice for all!
    Tned the great victim. I deserved my bans.
    *The statements above are my opinions, unless they are links, because then they are links, which wouldn't make them my opinions, and I suppose stats aren't necessarily opinion, but they are certainly presented to support an opinion. Proceed accordingly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buff View Post
    What is this, amateur hour? It's TNF against the Jets and you didn't think you'd need extra booze?

  18. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by BroncoWave View Post
    I found it so over the top comical I didn't want to report it and have it gone.
    Noted, I now see your post in thread asking to leave it and I slightly remember chuckling and thinking "wish granted" or something along those lines.

  19. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOtorboat View Post
    Tned the great victim. I deserved my bans.
    And when you begged to come back, I was in your corner, even though it was the mod's call, like the ban. Maybe they should make public the stuff that led to your permanan, since you are all about going public.

    I've made several attempts at trying to get everyone to agree to change the tone in P&R, and all it led to was attacks from you, TJR and the usual suspects. So, I now treat others the way I'm treated.

    I fully support Davii's zero tolerance policy he announced, and if I break a rule, I should be punished. When you, TJR or others attack me, you should be punished, and not given a pass because I was the one attacked and it will look bad if they punish someone for attacking me.

    T lives Master. Equal justice for all.

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