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Thread: Here you go MO, it's public now.

  1. #16
    Join Date
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    I don't remember Tned being gone for 4 months or MO being permabanned. I must've still been a teenager.

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tned View Post
    And when you begged to come back, I was in your corner, even though it was the mod's call, like the ban. Maybe they should make public the stuff that led to your permanan, since you are all about going public.

    I've made several attempts at trying to get everyone to agree to change the tone in P&R, and all it led to was attacks from you, TJR and the usual suspects. So, I now treat others the way I'm treated.

    I fully support Davii's zero tolerance policy he announced, and if I break a rule, I should be punished. When you, TJR or others attack me, you should be punished, and not given a pass because I was the one attacked and it will look bad if they punish someone for attacking me.

    T lives Master. Equal justice for all.
    Yeah, I was a piece of shit nearly 10 years ago. I got it, thanks.
    *The statements above are my opinions, unless they are links, because then they are links, which wouldn't make them my opinions, and I suppose stats aren't necessarily opinion, but they are certainly presented to support an opinion. Proceed accordingly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buff View Post
    What is this, amateur hour? It's TNF against the Jets and you didn't think you'd need extra booze?

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOtorboat View Post
    Yeah, I was a piece of shit nearly 10 years ago. I got it, thanks.
    You brought it up in your threat to go public that Davii posted.

    It's laughable that you claim that the post of mine you reported was similar to what you were banned for. Maybe you don't remember some of those late night posts you made.

    Anyway, I'll leave it at that, but remember you brought up your ban in your threat to Davii. Class move, by the way.

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tned View Post
    And when you begged to come back, I was in your corner, even though it was the mod's call, like the ban. Maybe they should make public the stuff that led to your permanan, since you are all about going public.

    I've made several attempts at trying to get everyone to agree to change the tone in P&R, and all it led to was attacks from you, TJR and the usual suspects. So, I now treat others the way I'm treated.

    I fully support Davii's zero tolerance policy he announced, and if I break a rule, I should be punished. When you, TJR or others attack me, you should be punished, and not given a pass because I was the one attacked and it will look bad if they punish someone for attacking me.

    T lives Master. Equal justice for all.
    If you truly want to be treated the same as everyone else, ask Davii to add your P&R ban to the ban log. Wallow in shame with the rest of us.

  5. #20
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    I would also like to be added to the ban log. I need some street cred.

  6. The Following 3 Users High Fived aberdien For This Post:

  7. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by BroncoWave View Post
    If you truly want to be treated the same as everyone else, ask Davii to add your P&R ban to the ban log. Wallow in shame with the rest of us.
    I left of my own accord, not p&r, but the forum, but I have no problem having him add my name to the log if it heals wounds.

  8. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by aberdien View Post
    I would also like to be added to the ban log. I need some street cred.
    That's what I was thinking as well

  9. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tned View Post
    I left of my own accord, not p&r, but the forum, but I have no problem having him add my name to the log if it heals wounds.
    That doesn't seem to be what Davii was implying.

  10. #24
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    I did not mean to make it as a threat. Moderators have always asked that we not openly criticize them, and that is what I meant to do. I did it in the wrong manner, and worded it poorly, so I apologize for that.

    I won’t apologize for my criticisms of how Tned has been moderated.

    I’ll leave it at that. Apparently, I need a break from here, so I’ll try to take one, I really do love this place and I love most of the people as sisters and brothers. Truly, I mean that, y’all have been a big part of my life for more than a decade.

    Again, Davii, mods, I apologize, I did this incorrectly. I let my frustrations get the better of me. You didn’t deserve that, and I’ll understand if you don’t accept this apology.
    *The statements above are my opinions, unless they are links, because then they are links, which wouldn't make them my opinions, and I suppose stats aren't necessarily opinion, but they are certainly presented to support an opinion. Proceed accordingly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buff View Post
    What is this, amateur hour? It's TNF against the Jets and you didn't think you'd need extra booze?

  11. The Following 2 Users High Fived MOtorboat For This Post:

  12. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by BroncoWave View Post
    That doesn't seem to be what Davii was implying.
    If I was asked to leave, I don't recall. Maybe I should threaten him with going public with PMs, seems all the rage here.

  13. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOtorboat View Post
    I did not mean to make it as a threat. Moderators have always asked that we not openly criticize them, and that is what I meant to do. I did it in the wrong manner, and worded it poorly, so I apologize for that.

    I won’t apologize for my criticisms of how Tned has been moderated.

    I’ll leave it at that. Apparently, I need a break from here, so I’ll try to take one, I really do love this place and I love most of the people as sisters and brothers. Truly, I mean that, y’all have been a big part of my life for more than a decade.

    Again, Davii, mods, I apologize, I did this incorrectly. I let my frustrations get the better of me. You didn’t deserve that, and I’ll understand if you don’t accept this apology.
    This is the shit you do all the time. How you get away with it, I have no clue. Really, the constant F bombs and calling people idiots. Those are personal attacks, not what you reported.

    Quote Originally Posted by MOtorboat View Post
    You’re such a ******* idiot, just completely detached from reality. Trump was under investigation for some really suspicious activity during the campaign. To this day he continues to do strange shit in regards to Russia. He tweeted the other day, after our entire intelligence apparatus and his own appointed officials determined that Russia had tried to hack government computers, that it might not be Russia, but actually China. He openly gave classified Israeli secrets to the Russian envoy. He stood up in front of a crowd and figuratively sucked Putin’s dick. He’s probably not a Russian agent, but for ****’s sake anyone saying there isn’t something weird going on is just a full blown moron.

    The current Republican position that the election was stolen and fraud is rampant is a complete fabrication. There is no evidence for it. Everyone still trying to say there’s anything there is delusional.

  14. #27
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    You all are sooooo retarded
    The Plan at the moment:

    Draft: Trade a 3rd and 6th this year to a team to move up and get a 2nd next year (this will happen).

    Players I want:
    Jake Ferguson (Jake Butt) or Jelani Woods or Jeremy Ruckert or Cade Otten (owen daniels) at TE- All 4th rd or later.
    Troy Anderson LB 3rd/4th rd (yay Timmy!)
    Neil Farrell, JR DL- run stuffer- bye purcell

  15. The Following 2 Users High Fived underrated29 For This Post:

    SR, Tned

  16. #28
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    Leave the mods out of it and handle your own business, if you can't, take a deep breath and change the station.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sting
    "You know cos I just lost my parents--both my parents died in the same this day, people come up to me and say 'my dad died and that album really meant a lot to me,' which is very nourishing {pats heart} for a songwriter to hear that your songs have a utility beyond just their own solace, that it actually helps other people."

  17. The Following 2 Users High Fived Hawgdriver For This Post:

  18. #29


    We’ve had this discussion so many times and nothing ever changes. The 5-10 people who still want to post in Politics simply enjoy the banter. I’ve just stayed out of it for the most part. I feel like if we continue to have that sub forum it should be un moderated. (Unless people start making death threats).

    Attack each other all you want but stop reporting posts.

  19. The Following 3 Users High Fived Slick For This Post:

  20. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slick View Post
    We’ve had this discussion so many times and nothing ever changes. The 5-10 people who still want to post in Politics simply enjoy the banter. I’ve just stayed out of it for the most part. I feel like if we continue to have that sub forum it should be un moderated. (Unless people start making death threats).

    Attack each other all you want but stop reporting posts.

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