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Thread: 2020-2021 NBA Basketball

  1. #271
    Join Date
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    The Chronicles
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    A couple of things - he got play there because GA liked him a lot.

    Also, can we take a moment toi mock the idiot in Boston? No, not WTE. Dennis Schroeder. He had a 4 year, 84 million dollar deal, with a player option on the table if he wanted it. He said no, his play is worth 20-25 million a year. He's now left with taking a taxpayer exception. Not even the full one.

    Arrogant loser. Hope he never makers a big deal. He is my new Russ.

    Also, Lakers salvaged the offseason with getting Nunn on a sweetheart deal, but we're still too flawed of a team to be true title contenders.

  2. #272
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    Quote Originally Posted by BroncoWave View Post
    Pretty crazy account of new Mavs coach Jason Kidd's time in Milwaukee. It continues to amaze me that these meathead old school drill sergeant type coaches still get jobs in pro sports. That shit just doesn't work anymore.
    Also, I think it's funny Kidd is so old-school given how soft he was on the court. I hated seeing that wife-beating piece of shit on the Lakers bench.

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  4. #273
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    Quote Originally Posted by King87 View Post
    Also, I think it's funny Kidd is so old-school given how soft he was on the court. I hated seeing that wife-beating piece of shit on the Lakers bench.
    Probably overcompensating for a little penis.

  5. #274
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    Quote Originally Posted by BroncoWave View Post
    Probably overcompensating for a little penis.
    When you run your team like that, and I mean literally in practice, you're imitating Rick Pitino. Pitino is one of the best college coaches ever. In the pros that 'run sprints shit' didn't work, even with his old Kentucky players. He needs to pull a Tom Coughlin and dial that shit back.

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