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Thread: Atlanta Hawks

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Adopted Bronco:
    Pat Bowlen


    Quote Originally Posted by slim View Post
    Yeah, but Mutombo looks good in anything!!
    *The statements above are my opinions, unless they are links, because then they are links, which wouldn't make them my opinions, and I suppose stats aren't necessarily opinion, but they are certainly presented to support an opinion. Proceed accordingly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buff View Post
    What is this, amateur hour? It's TNF against the Jets and you didn't think you'd need extra booze?

  2. The Following 2 Users High Fived MOtorboat For This Post:

  3. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Adopted Bronco:
    Kay Adams


    Quote Originally Posted by MOtorboat View Post
    That was awesome!

    Thanks for the laugh!
    Quote Originally Posted by Day1BroncoFan View Post
    I'm happier than tom brady in a gay bar....

  4. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Tree Rollins is a punk.

    He bit good guy Danny Ainge.

  5. #19


    cant believe they fired Pierce in the end. they are running the team from the GM and recruiting. they need 1 coach to give stability.

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