The Town Hall thread we had makes clear that most members still want BroncosForums to continue. As has been discussed, there are issues that need to be addressed, and I’m unwilling to continue the site on an as is basis.
So, effective immediately, I’m turning over management control of BroncosForums to Davii. He will take on all admin functions except for technical issues that he will call upon me for at least until he's up to speed on the technical administration functions.
Davii is committed to keeping the site run in the spirit it was first started, which was to have rules and the enforcement of the rules consistent with the desires of posting community that regularly visit, or what I have referred to the community at large. As the community changes, then those rules might, and have, changed.
While Davii is committed to honoring the spirit of how this site was created, ultimately it will be his call on how the site is run going forward.
Specifically, there are a few areas that he has proposed, and I fully agree with, which is a more structured approach to sending out CYPs (PMs when you’ve violated a rule) that will reference the rule that is being violated. When it comes to banning, he will re-implement a more regimented approach, that short of grievous circumstances, would escalate, first a three day ban, then seven, then 14, then 30, etc. Bans will still require a majority vote of active mods, and permanent bans will require a unanimous vote of mods and be reserved for the most egregious acts.
There will also be a public explanation as to why a member was banned. Although for obvious reasons the full ban discussion conducted by mods will not be shared with the public.
I will be subject to all of the above regarding CYPs and bans.
Now, this is what Davii has indicated to me as his vision for going forward, but as indicated above, ultimately it will be his call on how exactly these changes (which are relatively minor in practice) or any other are implemented.
While I will address any questions about handing over control to Davii, it will be his responsibility to ask any questions you have about how BroncosForums will be run going forward and about any of the above changes that I mentioned.