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Thread: Nintendo Switch Releases

  1. #46
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    Also if anyone is lurking here and wondering what the hell we are talking about with emulators, these are two of the best that easily handle everything from the Atari 2600 to the N64:

    Mac OS:


    You will have to google the game ROMs but there are a few sites that have them. Make sure adblocker is installed!

  2. #47
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    I've got nothing going on today. Might fire up the old XBox and play some Wolfenstein. Can't wait for the new release on 10/27. Might have to move the XBox One up from the basement TV.

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  4. #48
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    Stardew Valley released on Switch. Check it out if you haven't. That game is a-ok.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sting
    "You know cos I just lost my parents--both my parents died in the same this day, people come up to me and say 'my dad died and that album really meant a lot to me,' which is very nourishing {pats heart} for a songwriter to hear that your songs have a utility beyond just their own solace, that it actually helps other people."

  5. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by Hawgdriver View Post
    Stardew Valley released on Switch. Check it out if you haven't. That game is a-ok.
    It's funny that they've managed to release that on Switch since it's basically a Harvest Moon knockoff.

  6. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hawgdriver View Post
    Stardew Valley released on Switch. Check it out if you haven't. That game is a-ok.
    I can never get into games like that for some reason. Right now I am looking forward to the onslaught of holiday releases though. Mario Odyssey, Doom, Wolfenstein, Skyrim, etc. are going to be a blast to have on a portable system.

  7. #51


    Quote Originally Posted by MasterShake View Post
    I can never get into games like that for some reason. Right now I am looking forward to the onslaught of holiday releases though. Mario Odyssey, Doom, Wolfenstein, Skyrim, etc. are going to be a blast to have on a portable system.
    I would love to have Skyrim to play on the go.

  8. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freyaka View Post
    I would love to have Skyrim to play on the go.
    It looks really good, it's the remastered edition. No modding, but sometimes the mods just crash the crap out of it.

  9. #53


    Just bought a switch today as well as Mario kart and odyssey.

    Pretty cool.

    I buy very very few consoles, but loved the portability.

    For me all it needs now is the media streaming options and it will be the best damn device.

  10. The Following User High Fived Rick For This Post:

  11. #54


    Initial review on the Switch after using it a couple of days:

    Love the portability. Very easy to move between TV mode (in the dock) and hand held mode. Very very seamless. Love this. The idea of playing a game at the TV and the wife yells that she wants to head out and I simply pull the console out of the dock, put it in sleep, jump in the car and continue playing...NICE.

    NOT so easy to use it in table top mode, the kick stand is a piece of crap. I don't mind it that the stand itself is flimsy as I can just be careful with it but the damn thing is a pain in the ass to open on the switch. I literally have to get something to open it every time I want to do so, which thankfully isn't often. But seriously WTF? Take a page from Microsoft Nintendo, their kick stand is simple, sits flat and has a little groove to lift the stand out. Yours? $%$#%$%$%$#%. There are third party options to connect a small case to it to use the case kickstand but I really don't want to add another component just to use a kick stand that already exists on the device.

    Overall the exterior hardware feels a bit cheap. I guess at $299 I should expect this because of everything it CAN do, had to make some tradeoffs to keep the price down. That ******* kickstand though.....#$#$$#.

    No Bluetooth connection for my Bluetooth headphones. I think you can do it if you use a dongle. WTF? What year is this again?

    Battery is fairly poor, I just put in for a power pack that I can keep on my person on trips.

    Performance: it's actually pretty nice. Zelda is a fairly graphical game and I haven't noticed any issues. Hardcore gamers needing massive resolutions won't love the lower res but I am fine with it, doesn't bother me in the slightest doing 720 in handheld mode and seeing Zelda at 900 in TV mode. Doesn't bother me at all.

    The Joy-Con controllers are a tiny bit small for me but I will get use to them, not horrible. I know the size is trying to build the hybrid. They do offer a pro controller, which I am not paying that price for, **** that. You can also snap the Joy-Cons into a controller "dock" which makes it into a larger controller. Not bad, though slightly uncomfortable. You can also use each Joy-Con as it's own controller for multi-player for a game such as Mario Kart when my boy and I go at it. Again, slightly small but I think it will be fine and I will take the tradeoff for the overall hybrid portability.

    I find myself spending more money on games with this device. I am NOT a hardcore gamer. In 4 years I bought 4 games on my Xbox One. It is a media device and occasional gaming device for me. I have already bought 3 games for the Switch in the first couple of days owning and plan on Skyrim and Farming Simulator as well. It just makes it too easy to play to not want to buy games. Brings back fond memories of the last handheld I ever owned (Sega game gear).

    This device screams media services. I hear a lot of people saying it doesn't need those, I have a phone. Well...I would rather use THIS and NOT the phone for that. I would rather preserve the battery on the phone. I hear them say well you can use the amazon stick, Roku, Xbox, etc for the media streaming. Again, yes, very correct...but the ease of docking this makes me say why do I need any of those if I can just drop this in, turn on the TV and stream it off THIS? Then leave the room and take my streaming show with me.

    I get that Nintendo is trying to keep the focus on gaming but they are missing a market of people that might buy it AS a media device, and these people may not have ever bought a game before...and now they might.

    Overall I love the device, they get the media streaming and it's almost perfect.
    Last edited by Rick; 10-30-2017 at 12:42 PM.

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  13. #55
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    Good review.

    I just got the Odyssey bundle on Saturday. Now it sits in the closet til xmas

  14. The Following User High Fived wayninja For This Post:

  15. #56


    Quote Originally Posted by wayninja View Post
    Good review.

    I just got the Odyssey bundle on Saturday. Now it sits in the closet til xmas
    Couple of small pointers.

    You will want some sort of battery power pack. If not right away, you will eventually. Mine isn't here yet but I have heard this works well with the Switch. I will let you know after I get it tomorrow and try it. There are more expensive ones out there as well, I wanted something pretty small which is why I went this route.

    Pay attention to the Joy-Con controllers. They come with straps that you slide together with the Joy-Cons, you can slide them in backwards and they become a pain in the ass to take back off. I watched reviews before so already knew so saved myself on that. They have a - and a +, make sure you match it up. It is easy to do right once you know to look for it.

    The screen is not glass. I don't buy screen protectors for my devices but I am leaning towards doing so for this one.

    Since you got the Odyssey version, same thing I got, it comes with a case. The case is a little small. Might want to think about something just a little more roomy. I just put the switch, joycons and the 2 straps in and it doesn't feel like it was intended to have room for the straps.

    If I think of anything else to watch out for I will update.

  16. The Following User High Fived Rick For This Post:

  17. #57


    Forgot about this: Make sure you get a sizeable SD card. There is 32 gigs on the Switch, shared by the OS. This will be ate up fast.

    Buy a SD card, games will automatically be downloaded to the SD.

    The Odysseys bundle you have is a downloadable code, using 5 GB.

  18. #58
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    I got a used Pro Controller for the Switch and it's fantastic. Thing lasts about 40 hours between charges it seems. They have some nice 3rd party ones that are coming out that are a bit cheaper. Just preordered Skyrim and Doom.

  19. #59


    Ya I am sure it is great, it was just $70 for a controller...nope lol.

    I have heard that you can use Game Cube controllers through use of a dongle.

  20. #60


    **** me this will drain my wallet...Decided I just HAD to have a sports franchise to go with the other games I have and bought NBA 2K18.

    I am officially addicted.

  21. The Following User High Fived Rick For This Post:

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