I can't get on the internet with my laptop

All of my other Wi-Fi devices (including my Surface tablet which I'm using to post this) can get online, but not my laptop

I've looked at every setting I know of...
...run trouble shooter...
...had my internet settings "forget" my Wi-Fi password so I could reenter it...
...but nothing has worked

I right clicked on the icon that shows all of the Wi-Fi signals available, clicked on "Open Network and Sharing Center," clicked on "Connections: [graphic shows how many Wi-Fi bars my current connection is picking up] Wi-Fi ([name of Wi-Fi connection]); which gives me my "Wi-Fi Status." The 1st 3 lines of which states:

IPv4 Connectivity: Internet
IPv6 Connectivity: No network access
Media State: Enabled

What is IPv6 Connectivity and what do I need to do to change the setting? Could this fix my problem?

P.S. Didn't we use to have an emoji of someone smashing their computer with a sledgehammer? That's the 1 that truly expresses my feelings right now