Poll: Would you be more interested in womens sports if it had more network push?

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Thread: If womens sports was pushed more on tv, radio, etc do you think it would garner more interest?

  1. #1
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    Default If womens sports was pushed more on tv, radio, etc do you think it would garner more interest?

    So i was watching a video today with Don Lemon defending the idea that people tend to be more interested in men's sports than womens. However, the 2 women having the discussion with Lemon said that wouldnt be the case if there was more push from tv networks etc. So i want to do a simple poll to see where BF resides in the debate. Would you become more interested in women's sports if they put more of it on tv, etc?

  2. #2
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    I don't watch a ton of sports anymore(weird thing to say on a sports team MB I know) but one sport I watch a ton of is college Softball. I love baseball and college softball and baseball is one of my favorite forms of that sport to watch on TV.

    I think softball lends itself to being a more "watchable" woman's sport because everything is scaled to their ability. The pitching mound is closer so the actual time a batter has to swing is slightly faster*. The fences are shorter so big HRs still look and sound like big HRs. The bases are closer together so defensive plays still have to be quick, it's much harder to turn a DP in SB than in BB.

    I think the WNBA should take a cue from softball and make their game more scaled for women's height disadvantage and lower the rims. I think it would make it a much more watchable sport. Not for me though because other than watching my own daughter play If I never watched another basketball game in my life I'd be fine.

    Let's Rid3!!!!

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  4. #3
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    Based on the exact wording of the question, “would you be more interested in womens sports if it had more network push?” My answer to that specific question is, no. If the question was, "if women’s sports were televised more, would I watch them?” My answer would be, sure, if I happen to be watching TV at the time it was on. I’ve been entertained by watching a number of niche sports, some including women. A few days ago, I was at a Mexican restaurant watching what might be described as Mexican co-ed team version of American Ninga Warrior.
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    Advertising something enough usually will increase interest, but I don't think that's the sole problem. There is a general lack of interest in women's sports because the games are viewed as less interesting. Regardless of whether that is true or not, or if someone believes, as I do, that the play is just as good, it just might look different, that attitude would have to change first and foremost.

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    There are some great women's sports but a lot of them are niche and only really aired during the Olympics which hurts them. Women's volleyball is insanely entertaining to watch, but it's not a mainstream sport. Women's tennis got pretty mainstream with the Williams sisters but that's over now.

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    Womens tennis is pretty ok depending on who is playing but I watch it. Volleyball is dope. Womens soccer is fun.

    WNBA is boring, I don't know any of the players, don't know when games are on, etc. But to be fair I also don't really care about the NBA until like February when the games start to matter. Sports with less games in a season are better than basketball/baseball in which there's little consistency as to which days the games are being played on, and if you lose 10 games it's no big deal.

    So my answer is...maybe?

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    Sure. Idgaf. As long as the essential elements are there, all that matters is the competition, the characters, the plot.

    I don't want to watch women's basketball though, because it's too automatic for me to contrast it with men's basketball, which has a fierce dynamic element that is missing in women's basketball, and that is a sheer DNA thing. Sorry ladies. When I watch it, that aspect really stands out for me, ymmv.

    I watch disc golf the most, tbh. I watched more disc golf this year than NFL by about 20 times in terms of hours. I barely watched the Broncos this year.

    I love women's disc golf even though they don't throw as far as the men.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sting
    "You know cos I just lost my parents--both my parents died in the same year...to this day, people come up to me and say 'my dad died and that album really meant a lot to me,' which is very nourishing {pats heart} for a songwriter to hear that your songs have a utility beyond just their own solace, that it actually helps other people."

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    Although, strictly speaking, I'm super unplugged from "networks" so it might not have much effect tbh. But I do get ads on Y/t etc. so in that sense, yes.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sting
    "You know cos I just lost my parents--both my parents died in the same year...to this day, people come up to me and say 'my dad died and that album really meant a lot to me,' which is very nourishing {pats heart} for a songwriter to hear that your songs have a utility beyond just their own solace, that it actually helps other people."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Day1BroncoFan View Post
    I'm happier than tom brady in a gay bar....

  13. #10
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    My position is no personally.

    I really dont find women's sports all that interesting but even if i did there is just too much to choose from already. As a fan of NFL, NCAA Football/Basketball, NBA, WCS, and NHL i already have such little time to catch all of those leagues on any given day. Even when you take WCS out which every 4 years i still dont have enough time to fit in womens sports of any kind. So to increase their exposure wouldnt change anything for me as im already spread thin with the stuff that i do like.

  14. #11
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    The whole reason i brought all this up was Don Lemon (whom i generally dont like) took a lot of heat for telling what i thought was the truth in regards to interest in mens sport vs womens. Not sure on the whole who gets paid more portion as i dont know the finer details about all that. But i disagreed with the two women who were trying to tell him that womens sports would do better if given more exposure on national television, etc.

  15. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by aberdien View Post
    Womens tennis is pretty ok depending on who is playing but I watch it. Volleyball is dope. Womens soccer is fun.

    WNBA is boring, I don't know any of the players, don't know when games are on, etc. But to be fair I also don't really care about the NBA until like February when the games start to matter. Sports with less games in a season are better than basketball/baseball in which there's little consistency as to which days the games are being played on, and if you lose 10 games it's no big deal.

    So my answer is...maybe?
    Gymnastics is good too.

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