No, I accused him of trying to troll me in this post:
Not for asking for any qualifications.
And yes, I just don't think it's anyone's business. I have nothing to gain by making this thread. People can ask or doubt. When I don't know, I'll be happy to say I don't know. I don't personally think this a big deal whatsoever, but to each their own haha
Russlin jimmies since 1981
In this day and age of football, a defense with a box safety (pinches the gaps for the standard front seven and allows more crashing in gaps instead of read and react) is basically employing a 46 package. In a traditional 46 the CBs are counted as two of the LBs and will press contain on the edge of the box in run support (much like modern cover 2 corners will).
Scheming towards a QB "who's passing ability is somewhat in question but the running game is strong" will move a package of a box safety to the forefront. The pinched gaps from the box safety, along with pressed contain from the CBs on the outside edge is precisely what a 46 was invented and implemented to do.
Russlin jimmies since 1981
He will show himself as a fraud if he is one. just bc his defensive philosophy could be different than mine or anyone else's doesn't mean he's wrong. But to answer basic questions and answer correctly is fine why question his resume? Don't ask if you don't think he's legit. Or just ask me lol.
And sorry I just read his answer to defending the spread. Good answer no problem with it. My resume jiffy oil lube expert!!! Lol jk
why is everyone talking about me?
Oh got it, naught. Asking someone why their opine is anymore credible than mine is SOOOOOOOO, umm, howd you so eloquently put it...."pointlessly insulting and abrasive".
How is this: "I would like to know your football resume.
Tia ", that?
Mobile Post via
Bitter Clinger. Deal with it.
I think its the way you come across with it. I understand everything you are explaining based on my previous experience...but its almost as if though your explanations reek of an "im smarter and better than you" attitude.
Just my opinion.
The short answer for those that care to understand defenses in a book. Pat Kirwan just released a good one
If you don't like don't read his thread. Pretty simple if you ask me.
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