PS3 - Namdier
Since I just got the PS3 I've only been playing demos like Burnout and Timeshift...Played demo of timeshift last night for two hours, that game kicks ass!! I need to find some cheap game prices to build my library...
PS3 - Namdier
Since I just got the PS3 I've only been playing demos like Burnout and Timeshift...Played demo of timeshift last night for two hours, that game kicks ass!! I need to find some cheap game prices to build my library...
2007-08 MVP
Thanks MasterShake for the sig
On Brandon Marshall
"I'm not going to ever let him settle. I'm going to stay on him to be the best he can." ~ Rod Smith
officer grunt
NightrainLayne on PS3.
On PS3 and Xbox
I only play Warhawk and RFOM on PS3, and Halo3 on Xbox when gaming online.
NTL..If you haven't already gotten Warhawk, get it...You're missing out on the most intense multi player action you have ever experienced on any gaming system.
I have plenty of hints/tips...
When you're on foot, use the machine gun.... If you have the rocket launcher, aim for the feet, not the body...
When in a rocket turret, press and hold the fire button to lock in on Warhawks, let go of the fire button when totally locked on and watch the enemy blow the hell up.
When in a tank, look for ground patrol and blow them up (easy kills)..Also when in tanks watch for ground patrol with flame throwers, they are the tanks worst enemies.
So much more NTL...Just takes a lot of practice and getting used to. Some of the ******s who play know you are a newbie and focus in on attacking you...So the best advice is to practice and get used to the controls/gameplay. If you see the group you're in is way to hard on the newer players, change it up...Who cares ya know..
You can also find a VERY helpful strategy guide on
Good hunting bro. You ever get a chance to check my stats? They are off the charts.
Later tonight we can meet up online and Ill let you attack me, so you can practice without having pros gang up on you...
Cool. I've found a niche in the gun turrets already. You can get some relatively easy kills, but you have to be patient and wait around for awhile for a warhawk to come by, or something else.
I need to try out some more tanks. They seem kinda hard to drive and aim and shoot all-together.
I love flying the Warhawks, but have a hell of a time actually killing another one in them. By the time I can get locked on and shoot somebody else has me locked on and is shooting me.
Any tips on avoiding a missile after it is locked-on? I've had limited success doing some barrel-rolls and changing direction, but generally I only avoid one for it to relock, or another one to lock in and hit me.
How do they know I'm a newbie? I guess the icon must have my rank in it somewhere?
I'll check out the strategy guide when I get a chance. Maybe we should start a Warhawk thread?
Best way to avoid a locked on missle is to fly directly upwards while barrell rolling...Also you have to remember how to boost. Tap the throttle button twice and hold in on the second tap. If you haven't already figured out how to boost, you'll easily learn how to avoid locked on missles. way to see whos a newbie and whos not, is how they play the game...Strategy-wise...The whole game is strategy.
My PS3 ID is claymore75
Thanks MO for the wicked Sig.
I bought Warhawk because I got sick of my Gameshark mic and heard good things about the Jabra... The game was only $20 more than the mic, and the game comes with the mic... Between COD and GTA I haven't even taken Warhawk out of the wrapper, but I hear good things...
My PS3 id is JPhil
All I have to say is you SOB's are never on the PS3.
Thanks MO for the wicked Sig.
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