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  1. I just saw this. Did you end up getting one? I didnt like the fact that the wife and i had 2 different sleep mumbers. She would always sit higher then me. When i wanted her to sleep in my arms, i was basically laying in the middle.

    When we werent cuddling, it was an ok mattess. There were so many pieces when you open up the matress. After a while the foam lost its firmness.

    Just bought the W Hotel version of a beauty sleep mattress. We fell in love with it on a short vacation to Seattle.
  2. View Conversation
    You mentioned you had complaints about your Sleep Number Mattress. I have chronic back issues and was contemplating getting one of those mattresses. Any info you can provide will be greatly appreciated.
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About olathebroncofan

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About olathebroncofan
Been a fan since 83. I was 8 when Elway started. Born in Hawaii, moved to Montebello when I was 6 months. Graduated from Manual High School ( the true Manual Highschool) in 94. if you remember the fight at graduation, that was my graduation class. Went to Kansas State, graduated from the Univ of Minnesota. Been in Kansas since 2006. Married with 2 awesome boys!
Olathe Kansas
God, Family and The Broncos ( yes in that order)
Civil Engineer ( Highway Design P.E.)


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