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    Hey thats not BroncosBuff above your post is it?
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    Got thinking of you, as I just bought the DVD of and finished watching "Colonel Wolodyjowski". Good stuff, though the scene where they impale the wicked Tartar was too much for the child. I just ordered "With Fire and Sword" today, and I'm psyched n=because Youtube has some outstanding Winged Hussar clips posted from that flick. I may or may not buy "The Deluge", depending on if I can stand 5+ hours of fabrications and exaggerations about Swedish Lutherans

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    I have tried it, I think. It was in a 22oz bottle. What does the label look like.

    The best darks I've tried are probably Sam Adams Cream Stout, Guiness Draft, and a new favorite is a cafe porter from Bridgeport. The Bridgeport cafe porter has an amazing after taste. It has the flavor of an expensive beer, but is typically $8 a six pack.

    For now I have gone with Deschuttes Redchair NWPA. It's pretty good, and it was on sale for $11 a twelve pack. I needed a break from the dark beers because I had been milking a 12 pack of Deschuttes Black Butte Porter for the last couple of weeks. I only have a few when I drink, so a six pack lasts me a week generally.
  4. View Conversation
    Ha, I caught you over here...just left you a pm at the mane. Have you tried Blue Moons Ale with Honey? It's on sale at the local Alberston's for $11 a 12 pack and I'm considering trying it. I usually like stouts and porters, but also ocassionally enjoy a good Ale as long as it's not too sweet.

    So, have you tried it?
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I make thing go boom!
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"We saw it…. the hussars let loose their horses. God, what power! They ran through the smoke and the sound was like that of a thousand blacksmiths beating with a thousand hammers

They rush on to the Swedes! They crash into the Swedish riters…. Overwhelm them! They crash into the second regiment - Overwhelmed! Resistance collapses, dissolves, they move forward as easily as if they were parading on a grand boulevard


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