Thank you for posting the McD article. I got along with him really well. He was always kind to me. I know this is really hurting him.
I apologize. You are my friend and I should not speak that way to you. I am very stressed and in physical pain, but that does not excuse me being an *******. I am sorry.
Are you going to stick around longer this time? I've missed you!
LOL I go overboard. Its for effect here. I like most on that team. I would love #12 on the Bronocos. Heck Jerod Mayo and Wilfork would look good as well. Just no Moss lol. wE already still have our quitter in Marshall. Thanks for the effort. Hope you are feeling better as well. (check your pm as well)
Hey nothing person on the Pats. I like you but hate most of the dellusional morons around here my friend. You are in the 20% of good Boston fans that are not mouthy around here, like my dad and brotherinlaw. btw how is it going in all seriousness. Med still has no job. bad ecomomy
I live in Minnesota, which is abbreviated MN.
/Your a fan as well? Whats the mn for
Yes it will be very interesting. Just further reason for me to root for Broncos when they're not playing each other.
ahh i see thats very cool.. it looks like the pats broncos are gonna be connected now for a while, it will be very intresting
your a pats fan? why are you on the broncos fourm? do you live in colorado?
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