165 Visitor Messages

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    I’m eastern time zone. I’m free Tuesday until 7. All day Wednesday until 5:30 pm. All day Thursday, night too. and I should be free Friday after 3 pm.
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    You free for a discord call anytime this week? I'm starting another writing project and I can't tell if I'm ripping off some folks or not. I don't think I am, but I'm unsure.
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    Glad in what way? Haha. I've always wanted to live in a foreign country for a significant amount of time. I'm around a lot of like-minded people, experiencing a life many people will not get the opportunity to experience, living in a naturey touristy paradise (Lake Atitlan). I'm basically living my dream. The job has left a lot to be desired, and it is extremely difficult to live here if you aren't getting money funneled in from the US or unless you have a second job. There's electricity problems, water problems, and I feel a little guilty when I talk to Guatemalans who wish they could be in the US - it is a corrupt third world country after all. It's a privilege to be American and live in the US, but I'm glad I am here for sure.

    I'll almost certainly be returning to the US in June. Part of me wants to go back, the other part of me wants to stay. It's nice to politically not know what's going on in the US most of the time as well.
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    I hate it, man. They’re shortening her lifespan, legally. Her doctor hates it.
  6. View Conversation
    **** yes!
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    I friggen hate clowns!! Take me to a circus and watch me get arrested! I will have to check it out!
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    Please note that Russ was playing very badly during this stretch. The line was fine until it was decimated. Russ was bad throughout the season.
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    I banged out a series of short stories about one vampire. Probably going to do a full fledged book on him.
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Javonte Williams


Quote Originally Posted by Sting
"You know cos I just lost my parents--both my parents died in the same year...to this day, people come up to me and say 'my dad died and that album really meant a lot to me,' which is very nourishing {pats heart} for a songwriter to hear that your songs have a utility beyond just their own solace, that it actually helps other people."


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