11 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    I'm fried my man. The end of law school is in sight and I'm not at my best. I thought you were kidding, but I'm dying. I'm about to order a Chubb jersey, still deciding on the color, though.
  2. View Conversation
    I love you and enjoyed the playful back and forth. What I am getting at though is that Chubb was never supposed to be there, and so I never considered him a viable possibility. The second I saw that Chubb was falling and that Cleveland didn't have to take him at four, I was going nuts. Chubb is the best player in the draft to me (followed narrowly by Barkley). Afterwards, because I don't believe in CK, I went back to posting for Rosen, because I did want him, but in a trade. I would take Chubb over anyone in the draft.
  3. View Conversation
    Alfred Williams was there, obviously, I’m sure all of the local sports media knows. I bet if you got any one of them off the record they’d spill the beans. Sandy Clough has danced around it several times during that period.
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    I think you would like these guys. It's a forum of law professors who write about the law and cover the myriad of issues in it. They tend to be a little conservative, which I like because I tend to favor textualism, and there are less and less conservative law professors these days. Thought you might like it.
  5. View Conversation
    Whaddup, Den?! Thanks for the great forum suggestion!
  6. Doin well bud. I will be glad when the Cutler haters stop with they're ridiculousness!
  7. View Conversation
    Best Avy ever. Great work bud
  8. i think im just getting the hang of all this friends/contacts business.
  9. View Conversation
    Thanks for the invite Den.
  10. i'll put it back up! lol
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