9 Visitor Messages

  1. Haven't posted any info on my wall for awhile so I thought I would do an update. on Nov 6th of 2012 mom had an aneurysm in her brain burst. Quick trip to the ER, life flight to the big city and surgery a few hours later and she was out of danger of dying from it. There were 4 months of inpatient rehab and then further rehab here at home for several months. That was at age 80. She's now 84 as of the 7th of this month.

    It's been good and bad as these things go. The part of her brain that was affected by the aneurysm deals with memory and sequence. So she can do things like make some coffee for herself but she needs to be monitored. Sometimes she gets the sequence out of wack and puts the coffee in the cup then puts it in the micro w/o water. OOhh does that stink.

    As far as her memory it's been fading since the break. She can still dress herself, feed herself etc... but remembering events of her life is fading. Get a lot of I don't remember that now.

    Would like to be doing something that uplifts me and is better for my overall health, but things are where they are at the moment.

    And there you have it. My last four years in a few paragraphs. lol
  2. View Conversation
    What part of Oregon are you in? We have a lot of family in Roseburg.
  3. Hey - which one(s) are you talking about?
  4. The formula for a successful 2012 Broncos season:

    O2 + D2 + KAST = W
    Overwhelming Offense + Dominant Defense + Kick Ass Special Teams = W
  5. For anyone that may be interested, I thought I would share an update on Mom. She is still hobbling around but now she is using a cane instead of that annoying walker. Probably be early to mid Jan before she can get back to work. Been about 6 weeks now of Physical therapy. So things are getting better. Just need to figure out our finances now. no income for 3 months has kicked our butts pretty good. Thankful we still have a roof over our heads, food on the table and heat.
  6. View Conversation
    hope it runs in the family...., hey I am really sorry about your Mom. The thing that helped me was taking things one day at a time and trying to remember that what was happening I had no control over. It's really hard when you feel like you are having to make it all work, you are in my prayers...p
  7. View Conversation
    Oh I forgot to tell you that 3 weeks after he had recovery from the 2nd surgery he roofed his house and he's like 85. Oh well, at least he did't fall off. I do think in his case the not being able to do anything was killing him faster.....
  8. View Conversation
    I'm so sorry about you're Mom. It's just so hard with parents. My Dad was hospitalized 5 times in 7 weeks and the bills. yikes! Since he only has basic Medicare, it's like 100 / month for forever, well no but I know you understand. You are so in my prayers, please take care of yourself.....pn
  9. Welcome to the page. If your interesting in knowing anything about me you'll have to ask.
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