Glad to hear you're feeling better!! Feel free to send over that list of cuts, I'd love to see it! I'm a little disappointed about AO, but they know better than I do! How's everything else in life?
Two weeks on my meds an I'm feeling better. Energy still up and down. I have a full list of cuts if you want it. I know people...LOL
Football should be a LOT more fun moving forward for sure! Can’t wait to take Mom to the opener to see Russ and the new look Broncos balling out! I REALLY hope Von returns, it looks like he’s angling that way and now that the team is a contender and SHOULD be a top five team with a shot at the big one I don’t see any reason he wouldn’t. It’s exciting for sure!!!!
Can you believe this? I'm just so pumped and can't wait till everything starts. Maybe it will calm down maybe.
You and me both, I can't think of a better choice to lead the organization. Manning would be great, his football mind is right up there with the best of them and I'm sure he would hire people to help with the business side decisions if he's uncomfortable running such a large enterprise.
I found it in the ownership thread. That is so exciting! I really hope he pulls it off.
I don’t think there’s a separate thread but I’ll see if I can find a news article to link
Really Manning? Is there a thread, that would be amazing!
I worked with electronics in the Marines, specifically on communications equipment. Never robotics though, it was a leap for me but they hired me before I left the Corps as a field engineer then promoted me to regional manager 8 months later. Just plugging away since! Today was rough, but it’s ok. I think it’ll be more rough in the off-season when we know a lot of these young men won’t be back here next year. Like every year but I think it’llbe a higher proportion this year than normal. I really hope the rumors we heard today of Manning being involved in the ownership structure this coming year are true. That would be amazing. So glad you got to see the guys and come home happy, you deserve it!!
That is soooo cool. Did you work with robotics before? Today was rough but I had my interactions after with several players. Got smiles, a hug, put in my requests for goodies and came home happy.