View Full Version : Windows server 2008 and Router

03-30-2011, 12:21 PM
Not really a network guy...

I installed server 2008 on my desktop behind router.

I set a static ip through the router.

I know I have to set a port forward but what exactly am I setting? I have seen both 80 and 8000 and have also seen they are basically the same just one is on lan and one is what you put if outside the network.

There is a place in port forward to place the ip address as well so I put in the new ip of the desktop as well.

Am i just to put in 80 as wan and lan? So port range 80 to 80 for both?

Not real sure...

And even when I do will it even work all the time, as in are they just going to keep changing the outside ip of my router?

I don't HAVE to have it accessible at this time outside my network I would just prefer it.