View Full Version : What is the difference between earthing and grounding in electrical / electronics technology?

11-24-2010, 12:22 AM
Generally earthing is the term used in electrical circuit and grounding is used in electronics circuit. I need to know exact difference between this as where it is termed and how it is termed to differentiate the functions

11-24-2010, 01:01 AM
You chose this question as your first post here? Interesting that would be your first post on a football message board rather than on, say, an electronics forum...

Anyhow... Depends on who you talk to. Truthfully the terms are the same, some places (England) would use the term earthing while other places would say grounding (US) but they mean the same thing.

Like lift and elevator.

There are those in the electronics world that believe they are different, that tying circuits to a common point of low potential is grounding and connecting an earth ground is earthing.

While still technically correct, since the terms mean the same thing, it's not necessary to think that far into it.

If you require an earth ground for something, well, then you know you must drop some rods into the soil. If you simply need a ground in a system, such as a cars electrical system, any grounding point will do.

11-24-2010, 03:47 PM
The meanings aren't different, just the methods of transferring it to the ground. An Earth ground is just something in the ground that you clamp something on to to transfer the electricity from the object to the ground. On aircraft, when they land, you static ground them to an Earth ground, but we just call it grounding. On cars, you have a ton of grounding straps on it. All of the grounding straps either go to the frame of the car or the wheels. The electricity still makes it to the ground, just by different methods.

11-24-2010, 04:17 PM
There are actually two meanings to "earthing" but in electrical and electronic applications they are basically the same thing. This might help:


11-24-2010, 07:23 PM
Grounding is completing a circuit so you can have power in the circuit.

Earthing is connecting the electrical equipment to grounding rod inserted in the ground. This is usually a copper or copper coated steel rod pounded into the ground at least 8'.

Utility power is earthed for instance where the electrical system on a car is grounded but not earthed.

12-27-2010, 08:38 AM
I don't know, never heard of earthing. I'm just learning circuitry myself.