View Full Version : Html 5

04-03-2010, 12:49 PM
Anyone dwelved into what it will offer much?


I honestly never really heard anything about it untill this morning and read up on the ipad(which I have no intention of getting) and it mentioned it has no flash support because they are leaning on HTML 5 which will basically make the way video streaming is done make things like siverlight and flash conmpletly unneeded.

Interesting stuff to read on, especially since in reading on silverlight before I had thoughts on using a library silversprite http://silversprite.codeplex.com/ to run xna games on the web, but if HTML 5 will make the need for other plugins like silverlight unneeded have to rething that thought maybe.

Now it does say it will be backwards compatable so can still use the plugin thought but I have always tried the approach that when new releases are brought out and certain coding practices not really the optimal way anymore I abandon them and go for whatever is newest.

It could be though that unless I use xna through the silversprite library that there will be no other way to really run it so might have to keep that approach.